Reason to Live

Chapter 22

I flicked through channels ruthlessly. My feet hurt, I was tired and I was furious!
It was a cold, bitter October morning and Bruce and I had yet another stupid fight. With the stress of our careers, the little time we did spend together involved arguing over simple things like where we should have lunch, or why I find it so hard to put things back where they belong. It was pointless and within the span of an hour or so he would be holding me in his arms as we would both say "sorry" a few too many times.

"I'm going out,” he said with frustration.

"Ok,” I replied indifferently as he slammed the front door behind him. I knew he'd be back eventually.

I unwrapped a block of my favourite chocolate and sank into the couch, finally satisfied by what I discovered on television.
We both lie silently still in the dead of the night...
It's funny how just a few seconds of a Poison love ballad could change my mood from angry and frustrated to regretful and melancholy. I sat watching Bret Michaels effortlessly strum away at his acoustic guitar, unaware that Marie crept into my living room.

"Chocolate again? Oh, Audrey!" She said smiling with her hands on her hips. I almost jumped out of my skin, and screamed louder than ever before. She started laughing.

"Oh, Marie. Thank god It's only you,” I said relieved, but still a little startled.

"What happened this time?" she asked unimpressed. I looked at her, confused. "Bruce practically ripped the door off his car as I walked passed him, and here you are eating chocolate, block by block again." She pulled it away from me and I effortlessly reached for it.

"Nothing, just a little argument..." I replied.

"Your shirt's too tight. Stop watching Star Wars. Where's my Deep Purple album...ugh,” she mocked.

"We don't sound like that!" I argued. "And give me back my damn chocolate!” I demanded, trying again to grab it back.

"Yes you do sound like that! You love him, he loves you...get over it,” she laughed.

"Can I please have my chocolate now?"

"No. Chocolate is bad for you,” she said, then flipped the block over and took a huge bite from the end of it. She gave me a devilish smile while she ate the chocolate. “Oh wow this is epic. Where’d you get this chocolate? From the supermarket of epicsauce?” she joked. Epicsauce, another of Marie’s amazing words.

“Ah keep it. I’ve already eaten four others.”

“Dude, slow down. You want to fit in your dress right?” she said, revealing a large black box. I looked at her excitedly. “I’m kidding, I’d never recommend not eating chocolate it’s like... almost as good as nachos.”

“Is that my bridesmaid dress?” I asked eagerly.

" Yes! Go try it on!" she smiled. Without any thought, I raced into the bedroom in a matter of seconds.

The dress was perfect! Elegant , blue silk hugged my body as I stood in front of the mirror.

"Oh, that looks great!” Marie said, impressed.

"I don't want to take it off,” I replied admiringly.

"Well you have to. The last thing we want is to get it all creased. You have no idea how long it took to find it. You missed a lot while you were partying over the other side... Of the world I mean."

“Don’t tell me that you don’t want to wear your dress now too. C’mon, we won’t wreck them! We can just sit around and watch tv. We’d look spectacular!” I exclaimed, throwing my arms in the air like the fool I am.

“I already look spectacular,” Marie said in a voice very reminiscent of Billie’s. We both cracked up laughing after she said that.

“Aw, Marie. You do. You really do. But imagine what you’d look like in a wedding dress!” I said, pulling at her cheeks and pouting my lips. She’s so cute.

“Can we eat nachos?” she asked.

“Well... ya know how we eat. Probably not the best to eat while wearing the dresses,” I said, shaking my head.

“No nachos. No dress,” Marie said, so sure.

“What about on your wedding day?” I asked laughing.

“I guess I won’t be wearing my dress that long. Maybe we should save the dresses for the day. It’s like, three weeks.”

I nodded in agreement, and changed back into my favourite KISS t-shirt when she left the room.

When I returned, I was surprised to see Marie talking to someone at the door. I'm sure she wasn't expecting Joe Perry to be standing there.

"Hi Joe!" I said as Marie smiled at him madly. "Come in!"

"Hey, Audrey. How have you been?" he asked as he walked in. I shrugged.

"Alright. Yourself?" I asked.

"I'm great,” He smiled.

“Oh, this is my friend Marie. And Marie this is Joe Perry, obviously,” I introduced them.

“Oh my fucking KISS!” Marie gasped. Joe and I both looked at her oddly. “He really is hot!” she whispered.

Marie left us alone and made her way to the kitchen to get us coffee. I was going to do it, but she insisted.

"I just came here from Debbie and Dave's... a little trouble in paradise,” Joe laughed.

"I know the feeling,” I sighed as I flopped onto my couch. He sat next to me.

"You had another fight?" he asked sympathetically.

"Ah, It's no big deal,” I said.

"Then stop complaining!” Marie yelled jokingly from the Kitchen. I rolled my eyes and Joe started laughing.

"She's great!" he laughed , a little mesmerized by Marie.

"Well, you obviously weren't looking at her hands,” I laughed.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"She's engaged to Eric Carr, sorry,” I smiled.

"Ah, I can take him,” Joe laughed, looking confident.

"Eric Carr? Are you kidding? Joe you don't stand a chance! He aint called the fox for nothing, " I teased as Marie returned .

"Anyway.." he said changing the subject. " They want that party thing next weekend, are you ok with that?"

"Sure,” I nodded as I took a sip from my coffee.

"There’s a party?" Marie asked excitedly.

"To celebrate the completion of our album. I did invite you right?" I asked worried that I forgot.

"Oh, yeah. Eric and I will definitely be there,” she smiled.

Joe didn't stay for long, he was just passing on the message. After he left Marie and I sat around looking at wedding magazines, even though with little less than a month left until the day , most of the plans had already been made. She was just comparing things.

"Our cake will be so much better than that!" she said as she tossed the magazine aside in disgust. I sighed in boredom. "Wanna try the dress on again?" she asked.

"Yes!"I screamed . She laughed at my excitement - it's a beautiful dress!!!

“You’re such a girl! It’s just a dress Audrey,” Marie laughed.

“Just an incredible dress,” I replied, racing back into the bedroom.

I played with my hair, seeing which styles would look the best as Marie stabbed pictures of brides in the magazines with a ball point pen. That would later become a backstage tradition that her and I shared.
I searched through my jewellery box, looking for the perfect earrings, then looked up into the mirror to see Bruce standing in the doorway, smiling at me. I smiled back. He walked over to me and pulled me towards him.

"I'm sorry,” I whispered before he kissed me, running his hands down my silk covered waist.

“No, I’m sorry. What were we even fighting about?”

“I lost the apartment keys, remember?” I said, biting my lip nervously.

“Argh, right,” Bruce said, running his fingers through his hair in frustration.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” I giggled, throwing myself at him to stop him from getting angry again. He pushed me onto the bed where Marie sat, watching horrified.

"No! Don't crease the dress! ....ugh, forget about it,” Marie said as she shook her head.
Bruce moved on top of me, kissing me wildly as I pulled off his denim jacket.
“Oh dang. I’m outta here!” Marie leaped off the bed. With the presence of Bruce, looking like he did, I’m ashamed to admit that I forgot she was there. “I’m going, I’m going. I’m gone!” Marie yelled, running out of the room as quickly as she could.

Realising what just happened, I looked up at Bruce and giggled. “You’re so beautiful,” he smiled.