Reason to Live

Chapter 32

We walked into the park, hand in hand. I was always relieved to walk into a park, escaping the mad city rush. It was natural and nice, even though a hobo or two would be taking up the park benches.
Bruce squeezed my hand tightly, swaying his arms back and forth with large, playful movements. He couldn’t stop grinning. It felt amazing seeing him that happy, knowing that I had something to do with it.

“Where’s somewhere nice?” he turned to me and asked.

“How about over there by the playground?” I suggested.

“Near kids? Aud, I dunno if that’s appropriate,” he laughed.

“Bruce, please remind me what we’re doing,” I giggled.

“Never mind, we’re doing it right here,” he said, stepping in front of me.

“Doing what? I’m scared now,” I said. He picked up my left hand and bent down on his knee. “Oh god,” I laughed. “What are you doing?”

“Audrey, I’ve been waiting for this moment for my entire life. Since the day I met you...” Bruce said, dramatically, making fun of the entire proposal process.

“You dork,” I laughed.

“I love you Audrey!” he yelled, hugging my legs tightly. I started laughing, even more so when I noticed a scared-looking old man walk past, watching us curiously.

“Bruce, honey, all people see right now is your head up my skirt.” He pulled me down onto the plush, green grass, making me squeal. Lying next to him, I smiled “You’re the sweetest guy I know.” I placed both my hands on his face and kissed him softly. He gently pulled the bag I was holding out of my hands, taking out that little velvet box. He sat up, pulling me with him.

“I still can’t believe this is how I proposed,” he said, sweeping my hair behind my ears, then kissing my lips. “I thought it would be different.”

“How so?” I asked, smiling when he opened the box to reveal the engagement ring I had chosen moments earlier.

Bruce picked up my hand, removing the old ring and replacing it with the new one as he told me “ I thought I would have stressed about it for weeks, like Eric did. I always had intended to do something amazing and romantic with you, like take you on a cruise or something.
Whenever I thought of proposing to you, that’s what I had in mind. I’m annoyed that I did it so spontaneously.”

“Don’t be,” I kissed him. “ I like it better that way, rather than all that romantic crap,” I said honestly, making him laugh. I held up my hand, watching with awe as the diamonds and emeralds glistened in the sunlight.

“Who are we going to tell first?” he asked.

“Who even knows that we’re back together?”

“Good point. How about this, tonight I tell everyone that I love you, and that I am going to spend the rest of my life with you?”

“I think you’re amazing,” I smiled.

That night, I sat backstage, eagerly waiting for the KISS concert to start. We decided to only tell our parents and wait until that night to tell everyone else. I was excited and couldn't wait any longer – I just wanted to Shout It Out Loud!!!
Marie wasn’t her usual, hyper self that night. She was in a lot of discomfort.

“How much longer?” she wailed with frustration.

“About fifteen minutes,” I replied, smiling madly.

“No, I mean how much longer until I get this frickin baby outta me?!” she yelled. I started laughing. “Oh, Audrey! I'm really having second thoughts about this.”

“Ha, it's a little late for that don't ya think?” I smiled.

“You've got two weeks left, don't worry,” Eric laughed as he comforted her.

“It's not funny!” she complained.

“We're sorry,” Eric said as he kissed her to cheer her up. “Right Audrey?”

I nodded with wide eyes. “ No! Why should she be sorry? This is all your fault! You stupid sexy bastard!”
Bruce and Paul walked in, breaking the conversation.

“Okay, this room is a little too hormonal,” Paul said, leaving after hearing Marie’s last comment.

“Bacon, see what you did?” Eric asked, laughing.

“Can you see what the fuck you did?!” she screamed, pointing at her belly.

“Ah, how can you not see that?” Bruce joked. I looked at him and shook my head, knowing what was about to happen.

“Bruce! You’re an asshole! Get the fuck away from me! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!” Marie squealed.

“Marie, baby, calm down,” Eric said hugging her.

Bruce pulled me aside, leaving Marie time to herself. Being pregnant made her quite emotional and honestly, scary. She had a complete personality change.

“Will you be watching me?” Bruce asked hopefully.

“If Marie's up to it... that's if she can actually get up,” I joked as we watched her sprawled out lazily on a couch. “If not, it's probably for the best anyway. You get too distracted Bruce,” I teased as he kissed me.

“You're still ready to tell them right?” he asked.

“YES! I can't wait any longer!” I begged.

“Okay,” he smiled. “As soon as the show is finished... Oh I just had the best idea,” he said with a sly smile.

“Ooh. What?” I asked curiously.

“You'll have to wait and see.... Paul!!” he yelled and ran off.

“Okay. Bye Bruce,” I said to myself sarcastically. “C'mon Marie! We're gonna be front row center!”

“Are you kidding?” she asked.

“Like I'd kid about KISS. Now get up!” I ordered, not seriously.

I eventually persuaded her to come with me, which in normal circumstances, would be her dragging me along the corridors instead. We were making our way towards the crowd, when suddenly, she grabbed my arm.

“Woah, are you okay?”I asked.

“My waters just broke... but other than that, yeah,” she gasped in between breaths.

“Oh crap!” I screamed. “Now? You're having it now?” I questioned in disbelief. I could hear the fans cheering wildly.


“Fuck yes!” she said as her eyes began to water. She didn't want to be pregnant for a moment longer.

“Umm. Okay. Don't panic,” I said calmly, as I looked around. Eric was already onstage, I could hear a random drum beat as he waited for the other guys.

“What's wrong?” a roadie asked with serious concern.

“She's going into labour!” I said, trying to stay calm myself.

“Aw, hell no! Crazy shit always happens backstage... but nothing like this,” he said a little freaked out and disgusted.

“It's natural! It's not like I'm giving birth to a fucking alien you bastard!” Marie yelled, probably annoyed that he acted as if she was a freak or something.

“Call an ambulance!” I said to the guy as he ran off. Men really have no idea.
Once I got her sitting down, I lost it. “You’re really having a baby! This is heavy. This is crazy, what if that guy doesn’t come back? How am I going to get you to hospital, I can’t carry you! I can’t deliver a goddamn baby, I’m not a doctor... I can’t even wear rubber gloves!” I freaked out.

“Dude... calm the hell down!” Marie yelled, trying to make sense of the situation. She started squeezing my hand tightly, to the point where it started to change colour. Surprisingly, nobody noticed the engagement ring.

I sighed a heavy sigh of relief when that roadie came running back. “They’re coming,” he said, bending with his hands on his knees to catch his breath from the rapid running.

The sounds of hospitals, after five hours, were beginning to drive me insane. An old, angry looking doctor walked passed me again for the fourth time in thirty minutes – I swear that's all hospital staff do, walk around in circles.
I was pretty pissed off that I had to sit there by myself, while Marie was in a room in agony by herself. Just because I wasn’t related, didn’t mean that I wouldn’t be able to support her until her husband turned up. I gave up trying to sneak in, fearing that I might get a ban from the hospital all together.

I searched through a pile of magazines in the hope that maybe they would occupy me to pass time. Lifestyle and gardening magazines were mostly what I could find, however a guitar magazine with Richie Sambora on the front cover caught my eye. I was very pleased to see inside an interview with Bruce, accompanied by a great concert shot of Bruce drenched in sweat. To be honest, I never read the interview. The picture was enough to take my mind of things.
Oddly enough, upon finding that article, Bruce, Paul, Gene and Eric arrived, looking concerned, although they managed to find time to change.

“What did we miss?” Eric asked excitedly. Before I could even answer, he pushed his way through the door I was forbidden to go near. Bruce put an arm around me and greeted me with a kiss. Paul seemed very intrigued by the two of us, as he kept staring.

“Nothing’s happened yet,” I said annoyed. “Could be hours. These doctors are real jerks too.” Bruce kissed my forehead, sensing that I’ve had a rough night.

“Audrey, you look like you could go for a meal, I can get you something if you want?” Gene asked concerned.

“Oh, Gene. That would be great! Anything will do!” I replied as Bruce pulled the magazine from my lap.

“Ok. Bruce?” Gene asked.

“Nah, I'm good...” he answered without taking his attention away from the magazine. “I've never seen this,” he said as I smiled at him.

“Excuse me,” Gene said to a doctor passing us by. “ Here’s one hundred dollars, make yourself useful and get us some coffee, would you please? Keep the change.”

“Sir, I am a doctor!” he said horrified.

“You don’t look busy,” Gene said, re-adjusting his black shades that he wore even in a hospital. I giggled because that doctor was awfully rude to me before. Justice, I thought.

Paul moved seats with Eric and Gene's departure, so that he was sitting close next to me. “Show me your hand,” Paul whispered.

“What? Aw, Bruce! You told him?” I yelled accusingly.

“Argh, Paul! She wasn't supposed to know that you know!” he laughed.

“I'm sorry. I'm just so happy for you two,” Paul smiled.

“Well, if you can tell Paul, why can I tell Deb and Marie?” I asked.

“I had to because we made last minute plans to announce it during the concert. But I noticed you weren't there, then Paul found out about Marie during my solo, so it didn't exactly go to plan.”

“Aww, that is so sweet,” I said hugging him.

“When will you tell the others?” Paul asked.

“Maybe tomorrow, or whenever the stress of pregnancy is over,” Bruce laughed. “We don’t wanna steal their spotlight.”

I rested my head on Bruce's shoulder and closed my eyes. I was so tired.

“Are you still tired?” he asked, shocked. I nodded, without opening my eyes. “You sleep a lot,” he said, stroking my hair until I fell asleep.

I woke up, sitting on Bruce's lap, because he pulled me on top of him so that Gene could sit in my chair. Either he is incredibly gentle, or I am a heavy sleeper, because he always seems to be able to move me without waking me up. I didn't want to move because I was surprisingly comfortable with my face buried in his chest, plus he smelt so good. Once realising that I was awake, he began to run his fingers through my hair.

“What time is it?” I asked.

“3.00am” Bruce replied impatiently with a yawn.

“Awww,” I winged.

“Hey, Aud. I hope you don't mind that Eric drank your coffee, It was cold anyway,” Bruce said .

“Ha, It's okay,” I laughed. “Where's Paul and Gene?”

“Gene went home saying that Shannon is more likely to give birth before Marie,” Bruce laughed. With only a few months left until her due date, I understood Gene's need to be at home. “Yeah, and Paul's over there,” Bruce pointed as Paul talked to some nurse. It was just as I imagined the calling Dr Love video to be like. I was about to leave for the bathroom, when Eric came running towards us.

“It's a boy! .... I think,” Eric announced, catching his breath.
I giggled with excitement while Bruce pulled a sarcastic face.

“You think?” he asked.

“Yeah, there was too much blood... I got a little dizzy,” Eric laughed. “They kicked me out.” I leaped up and hugged him. “Wanna come see? I think it's safe to go back in now,” Eric laughed cutely. We figured it'd be pretty stupid to wait that long and not see the baby, so we happily accepted.

When we saw Marie, she was so exhausted that she could barely keep her eyes open, but she made the effort just for us.

“Where'd he go?” Eric asked concerned.

“Congratulations Mr Caravello! It's a boy ,” the doctor said as he joined the room, alongside a nurse that held their child.

We all went “aww” as we hovered around this tiny little thing wrapped in a blanket.

“He’s my boy,” Eric said proudly, holding him in his arms. He walked over to Marie and passed him to her gently. Eric knelt beside his wife and son, kissing Marie so sweetly. I watched, frozen , as I saw them share such a beautiful kiss. The image of such a happy, loving new family made me want to just bawl my eyes out it was that beautiful.
Bruce slid his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him in a tight, warm hug. I looked up at him and smiled. I was about to tell him for the billionth time that I love him, but he paused me with a kiss, so amazing that it could rival the one I had just seen. The hospital now had a loving vibe. That soon changed when Marie spoke...

“I can’t believe I pushed that out of my vagina,” she said, shocked, then wept. Eric hugged her, trying to stop her from crying, while Paul pressed his face against the wall to stop himself roaring with laughter at what she randomly said.

“It is common for a new mother to experience mild depression at this stage. Uncontrollable crying is perfectly normal,” the nurse said, trying hard not to laugh herself.

“How about uncontrollably stating what’s on your mind?” Bruce asked, amused.

“Mother or not, she’s still the same old Marie,” I laughed.

After about half an hour, once Marie had calmed down, the hospital staff tried to shoo us away, being 4am and all.

“Mitchell Frank Caravello,” I whispered. “Goodnight!” I giggled. He opened his tiny eyes and squeezed them shut.

“C’mon babe, I wanna fall asleep too,” Bruce said, leading me away.

“Bye guys, congratulations, he’s beautiful,” I said hugging Eric and kissing Marie’s cheek.

“See ya later Aud,” Eric said, yawning.

“Audrey,” Marie said, just as we were walking out the door.

“Yeah?” I replied, turning around, stopping Bruce by holding onto his arm.

“When’s the wedding?” she asked, so tired that her eyes were closed. “It’s a nice ring.”

Eric’s expression widened. “That’s on your left hand!”

Bruce shook his head at me. “You didn't think to take off the ring?” he asked, pretending to be let down.

“It’s too nice to not wear Brucie, I didn’t think they’d notice. Besides,we were supposed to tell them anyway.”

“I guess I can forgive you,” he smiled, then kissed me.

“There better be nachos at your wedding,” Marie whispered before falling asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tired, and rushed. Sorry, there's bound to be mistakes.

Oh and thanks to everybody commenting! You have no idea how much i love reading those!