Reason to Live

Chapter 45

Petrichor is the word I was looking for. I just settled for "ah can you smell the rain?" Bruce smiled at me, clasping my hands as we got into the limousine. "I wanna be in it," I smiled.
"The last thing we want is you getting sick.”
“No, the last thing we want is to get stuck in a vending machine," I laughed.
"Did that seriously happen?" Bruce asked, sounding as if he didn't believe it.
"Yes! I swear to god I was about to call a tow-truck to drag both him and the vending machine here," I said, shaking my head. Bruce started laughing.
“You are gorgeous," he said, leaning towards me for a kiss. As he did, he placed one hand on my cleavage, causing me to laugh. "I can't believe how amazing your boobs look, I'm sorry," he laughed. I smiled, shaking my head.
"You just can't help yourself, can you?"
" They're huge!"
"It's the dress..."
"Baby, I don't think so," he observed, carefully inspecting them with his hands. "They're bigger, why are they bigger?"
Laughing, I replied "It's because I'm pregnant. My ass is bigger too if you wanna squeeze that."
"Well," he shrugged. "If the offer is there," he said with a smirk.
"Patience Mr Kulick," I hushed, letting him kiss my neck. I smiled widely. "We have a party to go to first." I was very tempted to be late for the reception too, but I do love teasing Bruce.

Once we arrived at the ballroom's garden, where the reception was held, Bruce and I had some boring paper work to fill out. We decided applying for my American citizenship, and filling out marriage certificates could easily be done inside the building, while our guests arrived at the garden. Legally changing my name was proven to be fun, when Bruce kept suggesting some interesting names.
“First name... Babe," he joked.
“No!" I laughed.
“I dare ya. It'll be really cool. We'd have the same initials.”
“You're crazy!”
“Oh, well. Too late, I already wrote it down. Married to: Mrs Babe Kulick, no middle name, Babe says enough I think," he said with a cheeky smile.
“He can't do that, can he?”, I said to the guy who was overseeing all this.
“Not without your signature," he replied amused, then handed Bruce another from to fill out seriously.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Introducing for the first, and hopefully not last time, because this is amazing fun...Mr and Mrs Kulick!"
"Oh my god," I giggled, as Bruce and I walked into a room full of cheering friends and family, hand in hand.
"I can't believe they got Eric to say that," Bruce smiled.
"I can't believe we're married!" I gushed, lightly stamping my feet with excitement as I hugged Bruce. He stopped to kiss me, then we took our place at our table. On the table were his and my parents, my sister, Bruce's brother, Deborah, Dave, an over-excited Marie and an absent seat, later to be filled by Eric Carr.
"And now..." Eric's voice thundered into the microphone. I found it amusing that such a deep, powerful voice came from the short guy in the large tuxedo, with even larger hair. "Please welcome Cinderella! My jaw dropped and I looked at Debbie.
"You can thank Eric for that!" Debbie yelled over the song that began to play. A cover of Bold As Love. Tom Keifer fucking nailed it!
"He's fucking nailing it!" Marie said, amazed. I couldn't believe that she had read my mind. It happens quite often between Marie and I.
Bruce often jokes that we had a "blindfolded wedding." Blindfolded as in, neither of us knew what to expect. Neither of us saw the planning. Debbie, and the help of our other family and friends, saw that in three weeks, we'd have a wedding as amazing as the one we wanted to plan in six months. Everything was a pleasant surprise.
The thing I loved the most, and later found out that Bruce influenced through conversation with Debbie, were the choices of songs played. Each one had a particular memory attached. My favourite being a cover of Led Zeppelin's All My Love , performed for us by Eric Carr, Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Bob Kulick and Debbie on lead vocals. Since the "backseat" incident, that song had became our song. Whenever I hear it, I think of Bruce. It was the perfect song for us to have our first dance as a married couple.

After a few hours of dancing and socialising, there were speeches. Now, usually I hate speeches, both giving them and listening to them. They tend to be so formally boring, and so formally frightening. However, when Bruce and I gave our "thank you speech", it was such a comfortable thing. It sure helped having Bruce there to hold my hand.
As Bruce talked, he struggled to hold his wine glass, the microphone and my hand. "Here, I'll hold that for you," I giggled, taking his glass.
"Okay, but don't drink it," Bruce joked, loud enough for everyone to hear. They all laughed. I nodded, smiling. "Also, I'd like to thank my brother for interviewing guests tonight and making a video, which I'm sure Aud and I will be laughing at later. Anyone else Aud?"
"I know I already thanked her, but I'll say it again, thank you Debbie for this amazing wedding. I couldn't, we couldn't appreciate it more. And... Um...Bruce?" I said, shyly, not knowing what else to say. He stared at me smiling. I had to raise my eyebrows to remind him to talk.
"Oh, I... I dunno," he laughed. "Look, I can stand here and mention people, but what it comes down to is that I'm grateful for every single person in this room, and it's an amazing feeling knowing that so many people are here to celebrate our love, because it's an amazing thing. The one person I must thank though is of course, my wife. Each day I wake up loving life because I have Audrey here to live it with, and to me, she is the most important thing in the world. Words cannot describe how much I love her, nor can they even near close to how beautiful she looks tonight." Bruce paused as the entire room applauded. "C'mon, I know you can get louder than that!" he said, winking. He sure knows how to work a crowd.
"Audrey, I love you," he said, then treated me to an amazing, passionate kiss. Trying hard not to cry in front of all people I know, I smiled at my husband, and took the microphone from his hand.
"Everything he just said, I say about him too," I said quietly, making people laugh.

As the night neared closer to an end, Cinderella left the stage, giving our relatives a chance to dance and to my horror, sing karaoke. Of course, my father was up there, trying to be Jimmy Barnes. It was then that my drunk cousin exposed our secret.
Holly walked over to Bruce and I as we talked with Paul and Gene. "Hi," I smiled widely once I saw her. She hugged me and congratulated us both.
"Awesome wedding. Hey, Aud. I didn't know that your cousin is dating Tom Keifer."
"Huh?" I looked at her confused.
"Yeah. Your cousin. The sassy one over there." I looked to the stage where she pointed. A really tall, beautiful woman with long dark hair, stood with the guys as they left the stage.
"That can't be my cousin. My cousins look..."
"Audrey! Great fuckin' party!" my cousin Jackie slurred, putting an arm around me.
" this," I finished my sentence.
"Here, have a drink," she said, almost throwing a glass of wine at me.
“Oh, no thanks. I'm fine without it really," I politely refused.
“C'mon! It's your wedding. You have to!”, she insisted.
“No thanks.”
“Just one.”
Ignoring her, I asked Holly "What's that girl's name?"
"...Faye? Something like that." I looked Bruce.
"Faye?" he asked.
"Yeah," Holly said, confused by our reaction.
"I'm gonna go and talk to her," I said, glad to finally be meeting the woman stealing my doctors appointments.
"Wait, Aud. Have a drink!" Jackie said, pulling at my arm. I stepped back, and Bruce put an arm around me.
"I guess I can stay and chat for a bit." Paul laughed my drunk cousin, and how I was "trapped" in conversation with her.
"Yay. Now, drink up."
"Why do you want me to drink so bad?" I asked.
"Because it's fun!"
“ She really shouldn't," Bruce said, helping me out the best he could. Too bad neither of us noticed that his hand was on my stomach as he said that. Paul caught on, with his eyes getting all wide.
“Oh, wow. How did I not see that before... you'," Paul said, shocked. Gene knew a second later, as he sensed Paul's reaction. I bit my lip and looked up at Bruce. We were finally busted.
“What? Pregnant?”, she joked. Her expression changed when we said nothing. “Ohhh Audrey! You're preggers!”, Jackie yelled.
"No, no. Jack..." I tried to clam her down.
"What?" my Mother asked, standing behind us. I cringed and turned around. "Audrey, is this true?" she asked. Her grey eyes beamed at me, it was intimating.
"Yes," I said so quietly it was almost a whisper.
“Why didn't you tell me? Is this why you married her?”, she asked Bruce, sounding angry.
“No! I married Audrey because I love her.”
“I really thought you were just getting a little fat," Eric joked, not at all helping.
“Mum, calm down. We were going to tell you, we were just waiting for the right time...”
She looked as if she was about to faint. "For how long?" she wanted to know.
"Thirteen weeks," I answered.
"Thirteen!" she shrieked. "Oh my goodness," she stressed.
"...It's really not that bad Mum. We're married now, we have a home, have money...I mean, god, I'm almost thirty! When could there be a better time to have a baby?"
"We're both ready for this ," Bruce said, smiling at me.
Mum stared into space, then yelled "Kenniff." In search of my father, she left us.

Some time after, word had spread. Some people asked us, others congratulated us on the news. Some whispered, afraid to offend us by asking. The biggest debate was "Is she pregnant or just getting fatter?" . Of course, it was only my strange family carrying on like idiots. They made a huge drama out of nothing. Annoyed, Bruce decided to put an end to it.
"Come with me," he said, lifting my hand.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Stopping this bullshit." He took the microphone and gained attention from the entire ballroom. "Some of you already know this, but I'd just like to announce that Audrey and I are expecting a baby. So you can stop guessing now," he said with a cheeky grin, then walked off, holding my hand. "Good?" he asked.
"Yes, thank you," I smiled, then kissed him.
"So now, I'm thinking it's a good time for you and I to leave, and get changed...then comeback later ?"
"I think finally, Bruce," I said, holding his face in my hands. "You've earned it."
♠ ♠ ♠
I wish it was better...but I ran outta ideas :(