Don't Try to Break a Heart That's Already Broken

New girl exquals new competition

Will's P.O.V
I was excited for Becca, I mean yeah It was a dare but I know that she likes him, and Maybe this Date can Get Travis to get over me. I was Currently Getting Becca in A dress. It seemed impossible,But I finally got her Into it. Travis sent her the details and said to go all fancy. I was currently Applying Make up to Rebecca as she squirmed. She hated Dresses and Make up, I mean I'm no fan Myself, but This is a date and on dates u wear makeup! except when I had my first date with Travis. I shivered at the memory. I finally got her ready and she looked stunning. I smiled and Noddded at her showing I was done and she smiled at me. I heard the Doorbell Ring. She playfully glared at me "I hate you" "Love ya too!" I pushed her downstairs and Smirked when Travis's Jaw dropped. "You look G-Great" She smiled. "thanks." And they walked out. I shut the door and smiled. I heard the doorbell ring again, but they rung it in a pattern. That sounded familier, I wonder who it is.......
Rebecca's P.O.V
I was excited, Nervous, Happy, and Jittery at the same time. I was excited for the date, Nervous about how it would go, happy he said yes, and Jittery for a few reasons. I wondered if Travis really wanted to go on this date, or if He was just doing it to get to me. I shook off that feeling and Jumped in his car. He smiled and got in the drivers seat. "Where are we going?" "You'll see" I playfully glared at him and got comfortable, turning on the music.
Travis's P.O.V
I looked over at Becca. Damn, she was Beautiful. Will did a good job. I was shocked when she asked me out, but I didn't hesitate to say yes and take control. I want this date to go well, so I am bringing her somewhere I know she'll love. I hope she likes to dance......
Rebecca's P.O.V
We finally got to the place and I looked at the name. Juliana's Perfect Palace. Hmm...wonder what this place is like. We walked inside and Travis spoke to the man at the front. "Special Reservations unter the Name Carter, Travis Carter." I giggled at that, He sounded like James bond. He looked over at me and gave me a toothy grin before turning back to the man. "Yes, this way please....Mr.Carter." We followed the man into a ballroom. in the middle of the ballroom was a table set up nicely and music was playing. I gasped at the site. It was perfect. Travis really did go all out on this. Maybe this was a real date to him, after all. We both sat down and ordered. "Wow Travis I love this. You really went all out didn't you?" He smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I wanted to impress you, and I know that it takes a lot to do that. So I did all this To show you that your special." I blushed, and We ate our food in silence. but it was good silence, I was happy. After we ate Travis got up as a slow song started to play. "care to dance?" I took his hand and he led me away from the table and wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck and layed my head on his chest. This was definetely the best.
Travis's P.O.V
I took her to the Dance floor and we swayed to the song. I thought back to school. We used to be Enemies! why was I doing this? She's just another girl! She isn't anything special! Wait....did I just say that outloud??!
Becca's P.O.V
As we swayed I heard Travis Speak up,"why was I doing this? She's just another girl! She isn't anything special!" Tears were in my eyes. I let go of him and the music stopped. I looked away from him and ran. ran out of the resturant, and I kept running. I couldn't believe him. It was all a scam to get close to me.
Travis's P.O.V
I watched as she ran out of the Ballroom. Dammit! why did I think that? She isn't just some other girl! I sighed aggrevated. First Will and now Becca. Things Just aren't going right. I punched the table and walked out. The guy didn't stress me about paying, either.
Becc'as P.O.V
I finally got to Will's house, And I heard Laughing. I opened the door, and walked up stairs to see Will with this Blonde girl. "Oh Becca! what happened??" I gave her a hug and pulled away, pointing to the blonde girl. She turned. "oh, Becca, I would like you to meet Amanda Green, my old best friend"
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Aw poor Becca!!!!!!Don't hate me for not updating/!!!!!