Sequel: Passing Notes
Status: Complete!

All This time I've Looked Away

Chapter Eight

It's five months later

All is well

Alesana got herself a decent boyfriend

And Nate got himself a decent girlfriend.

You been by my side since that day

The day we both apologized

And the day when we actually started to talk in person

We still text and IM

But we'd rather talk in person.

I went to my cousin two weeks after you started talking to me

I thanked her

She had a puzzled expression when I hugged her

I explained what happened

She was over joyed

Finally! My cousin gets a boyfriend! I'm a matchmaker!

She laughed.

I blushed when she said it

We weren't dating then

But the next day you asked me out.

Alesana warmed up too you

Saying that you weren't as dumb as you seemed

You got approval from everyone

And your friends didn't mind me.

I'm getting ready tonight

I got a date

And it's with you.
♠ ♠ ♠
And it's done! Thanks for the people who sticked through this and to future readers... Comments are still welcomed!
I felt like I had to type this up. So it literally is fresh. I love how writing can calm some people down. Some one brought up my day and the same person brought it done into the dirt. And for once it wasn't my family....
Well anyways you guys love to brighten my day! 23 readers and 6 subscribers! Wow!
Stick around! There's going to be one more chapter. Written in original form and maybe a one-shot sequel.