Status: Imma working on it!! Comment pretty please!!

Once Upon a December

Chapter Ten

Ana was bare foot once more, but this time her red dress was replaced with a tan bikini, covering little and let the imagination wonder. She also wasn't at a house, but somewhere in the woods. Anastasia wove through the trees to a clearing. A waterfall was through the woodland, a small spring at the bottom. She moved through muddy grass and dove elegantly into the water. The man was here again. Sam moved over to Ana, and got into the water as well, and it was surprisingly warm. She looked at him, as if she summing him up in her eyes, before disappearing below the blue.

Desperately, he followed and opened his eyes under the water as he held his breath. She was submerged as well, her hair flowing out through the waves. Sam when to reach for her, but she swam back upward. He found under the waterfall, standing in shallower water, it reaching just bellow her breasts.

When he reached her, this time she didn't move. Her arms swung around his neck and her eyes bored into his dark ones. Sam could've been lost in her golden irises forever if she let him. Ana began to kiss him. Running her hands through his hair as he pulled her close, she let out a moan when he-

Sam shot awake and he held his face in his hands. His body was sweating was sweaty like last time, but this time he was really hot. It felt as if someone had set a flame to his skin, like he had a fever that just wouldn't break. Sam didn't feel right, those constant dreams made him feel off.

Like an animal chasing after one in heat...

------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- -----------

Days of planning the party have passed, and still no Alec. Edward's been watching Ana more closely, as if she was just going to fall apart. "Ana?" He yelled. The house creaked, but no answer. "Anastasia, where are you?" Edward yelled louder. He began to look around the house, but found her sprawled across the bathroom floor.

Edward panicked and reached for her. Her skin was warm, like a human with a fever warm. It was as if she was heating up and it held her in a trance. He called Drake and Carslise immediately.


Sam has done all he thought he possibly could at keeping those dreams from the pack's view. He didn't want them to see what he was feeling, see him losing his mind. It was like his body was working against his mind and heart in a force to shut him down. He felt like he was going to explode.

He looked around his living room, at his pack, then Emily before his vision began to blur. Sam was sweating when he stumbled to the side. The others looked alarmed, by his strange actions. "Sam are you all right?" Emily stood, walking over to him.

He wanted to answer he was fine, but his throat hurt from thirst, as if all the water had been drained from his body. His eyes rolled back into his head when he crashed to the floor.


Jake quickly called Bella, who then quickly drove Sam over to the Cullen's with the pack right behind her. Alice knew they were approaching, by losing the ability of her visions. She quickly ushered Paul and Jake in who seemed to be supporting the weight of the unconscious alpha. They laid him in the study when Carlisile looked at Edward with a knowing look. Whatever was going on, it was effecting Sam and Ana both.

Everyone was so wrapped up in the current events to hear the loud yelling and fighting echoing from the forest. Alec was awake. And Boy was he pissed.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know you all are just a bit confused. Well be patient, all will be explained I promise. I also know it's been jumping around a lot. It'll do that for a few more chapters.

