Status: Imma working on it!! Comment pretty please!!

Once Upon a December

Chapter Three

Anastasia left at dusk the next evening, only to be stopped by a younger wolf, "Are you leaving so soon?"he asked. This boy reminded her so much of her son and how she ached to see him.

"I'm not leaving town yet, Seth." Ana smiled. "I'm just headed over to Forks, someone I know is over there." She couldn't believe in less than hour she'd be on the front step of a man's house of whom she hadn't seen in almost twenty years.

"If you're talking about the Cullen's, I can show you where they live." Seth said nervously, his cheeks pink. Even though she was a good thousand years older than him, he couldn't help but develop a crush on her. The poor guy didn't know all she saw was a cute kid that reminded her of her own.

"Sure," She smiled, making his knees go week. Seth grinned and lead her into the woods, he thought that way was faster than the actual road. Ana followed him then asked, "You're not leading me to my death are you?"

His cheeks grew pink once more, "No! Of course not. I just know the woods better."


Edward had been pacing since Alice told him she was here. Drake watched his friend, amused that he was so nervous. "Dear lord, Ed! Sit, have a drink, and calm the hell down." Drake pulled a bottle out of the bag he had been carrying with him. It was an alcoholic drink called Sangue. It was an Italian drink, sold solely on the black market. Normal alcohol has no effect on a vampire, but use pure alcohol and a bit of pigs blood and you'll get a very drunk vampire.

A many drinks later a loud knock was at the front door. Edward looked at Drake, and they both shrugged; who the hell could it be? After many failed attempts, Edward finally rose to his feet, stumbling to the door. "Yes?" He asked opening it and leaning on the doorway. The sobering picture of Jacob Black and Bella Swan stood in front of him. "Um...Why are you here?"

"Victoria was standing on the borders again, the pack wanted to tell you because they may cross over into you're territory." Bella said, but stopped when she saw Edward was more interested in a string on her coat than what she was saying. He stopped and grabbed the wall beside him to help himself stay standing. "Are-are you drunk?" Bella shrieked incredulously.

"N-n-no." Edward slurred shaking his head quickly.

"Yes!" Drake chimed from inside the house.

"Well, so is your Mom!" Edward laughed and yelled back, "No body asked you." He had completely forgotten Jacob and Bella standing there. Bella cleared her throat, trying to gain back his attention. He looked over at the confused couple, "Was there something you needed?"

Bella began to speak but another voice beat her to it. This one sounded like wind chimes and had a slight accent. "Nothing Ed," Anastasia said walking toward him, with Seth close behind. She put a hand on his chest, and began to gently push him back inside, "Let's go up to bed, you can talk tomorrow," She whispered soothingly. Vampires can't sleep, but the alcohol would eventually make him pass out.

Edward nodded his head, thinking he all ready passed out and this woman was just a dream, he thought his mind was playing tricks and she wasn't there. "OK." He said quickly, in a soft voice. He sounded much like a child that was given a new toy.

"Just call tomorrow," Ana said to Jake, as Bella watched confused. "It's not good to have a human around a intoxicated vampire. And if he's been drinking then my ex-husband isn't far behind, so make that two drunk vampires. Jacob nodded quickly and began leading Bella and Seth away.

Anastasia somehow gotten Ed up to his room. She saw all the CDs and books then knew immediately it was his. She push him down on the couch, only to have him sit back. "I can't stay in here, because you'll go POOF!" Edward slurred throwing his hands up, "You always do."

"What if I promise not to poof? I'll just be down stairs." Ana tried to reason quietly.

It was of course useless because he began shaking his head, "Nope."

She sighed, "I'll stay in here with you?" He gave in and they found them selves lying on the floor, under a blanket. The blanket was useless of course, but Ana liked the normalcy.

She laid in his arm, with his face buried into her hair. "I really missed you." He went to kiss her and she should've pushed his drunk butt away, but she didn't. She wanted it to bad.

Their simple kiss began turning into a whole nothing thing when she climbed on top of him and began kissing down his neck. She knew their wasn't a chance he wouldn't remember in the morning, but she gave in to her own guilty pleasures and let him feel across her now bare torso. She gave in to one of the seven deadly sins: lust.
♠ ♠ ♠
the ending us sort of abrupt, but I want to save it for the next chapter. And for future reference, tell me not report the story and do not end it in a smiley when you do. I almost didn't want to update because that certain person reported me because they didn't like the layout. WELL NEXT TIME HIT THE DEFAULT LAYOUT BUTTON!!!

