Status: Imma working on it!! Comment pretty please!!

Once Upon a December

Chapter Four

Edward woke with a jump and held his head in his hands. The sun shone in patronizingly from his window causing him to groan. “This is why I gave up drinking,” he muttered darkly. He looked around his room to find he was on the floor completely naked. “What the hell?” the last clear memory he had was of him and Drake talking. Edward began to think but could only come up with bits and pieces of the night before. He remember someone was with him, or he at least thought someone was.

The hung-over, extremely annoyed vampire got dressed and slowly began to walk down stairs. Everyone’s thoughts began to prod into his head, causing his headache to become that much more painful. Drake was sitting in the living room along with Alice and Jasper. The rest of the family must have returned sometime ago. “So he’s alive!” his friend exclaimed laughing.

Edward sank into the seat opposite of him and offered a grunt of annoyance in response. Then she walked through the door and if his heart still beat, it’d be pounding from his chest. “What happened to no poofing?” He offered lamely.

Ana looked at him with a weak smile. “I just came down stairs. Can we talk?”

He reluctantly followed her outside and deep into the woods, away from others’ ears. “Look, I really don’t wan-”

She quickly cut him off with a kiss. Ana finally broke away and looked him in the eyes. “I came to find you. I miss you.”

He wanted to say he missed her back, because he did, but something wouldn't let him. “You left me waiting for you. You left me, Drake, Alec- we all thought something happened to you.” he growled angrily. “I can’t believe you’d do something so selfish…Alec’s been waiting for almost twenty years to hear from the woman that’s supposed to be his mother.”

Anastasia could hear the anger in his voice but didn’t dare to look him in the eyes, fearing the disappointment they held. “I know,” she whispered. “You don’t know how hard it was not to just go to him, or you. It wasn’t safe. I could watch any of you get hurt.” If she could cry, tears would be pouring like summer rain. “I’m selfish because I’d rather keep you in the dark and safe then bring you into this mess. But by loving you- hell, just knowing you I did.” She sobbed, crashing to the ground.

He knelt on his knees beside her, taking her face in his hands. “If you just let me help! Why can’t you get it through your thick skull that you don’t have to do anything alone. You stupid if you think I’d turn you away.” Her eyes met his, and she placed her hands over top of his, bringing them down to her lap.

“I know, you’d lay your life down.” she said shaking her head. “I refuse to watch you get hurt, yet here I am.”

“If you left to do this alone, then why are you here?” Edward asked.

“I told you, I’m selfish. I can’t stay away any longer.” she sniffed. “I need you too much. I’m so sorry Edward, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone.”

“But you did.” He said in a softer, yet cold tone. She began to back away, but he pulled her close, “Just promise to never do anything like that again.”

Ana’s golden eyes met his and she whispered, “Promise to not let me.” He kissed her quickly in response, and then wrapped his arms around her smaller frame. He lifted her off the ground and ran with her in a bridal style back to the house.

Edward laid her on the blankets and looked down at her. "I missed you too." She reached up and kissed him, tangling her fingers in his hair. Ana broke the kiss and slowly began to lift her shirt. His hands overlapped hers and he gently pulled it over her head. Edward began kissing her again, and muttering sweet nothings in her ear.

"You're so beautiful." He said softly, as she un buttoned his shirt. "I love you."

Ana looked up at him and whispered, "I love you too."


Jacob Black along with Bella, Embry, and Jared stood on the Cullen's front yard, waiting impatiently. "Edward's sort of busy at the moment." Alice told Jacob for the fifth time. "He and Ana are sharing a moment of, ah, reconciliation .”

Jacob evidently didn’t get her meanings because he angrily shrugged past her, going on a man-hunt through the house. Jacob ran up the stairs and into the larger vampire. Emmet looked at the werewolf curiously, “What are you doing?”

“Which room is his?” Jacob growled. He was sick of waiting for Edward because that redheaded leech was out there, and able to harm Bella.

Emmet could easily hear the sexual-activity-related-sounds echoing from Edward’s bedroom, and thought he should warn Jacob. But where is the fun in that? “Last door on the right.” Emmet snickered, before quickly going down the stairs. Jacob opened the door to see something he really wish he didn’t.

Edward thrusted harder like she commanded. “Oh god!” she moaned, throwing her head back. Ana’s nails trailed down his back, leaving scratches all the way down. Her lips found his once more in a heated, and very seductive kiss.

Even bedroom door flew open, but the intertwined couple didn’t notice. “Holy shit!” the now blinded werewolf screamed, backing out and covering his eyes. Edward looked up just long enough to see Jacob Black’s retreating form.
Jacob could hear the growl echo from the male vampire as he ran down the stairs.


The pack didn’t understand the horror-struck expression on Jacob’s face as he came back out the front door. He silently walked over and took his place once more standing next to Bella. “What’s wrong, Jake?” she asked attentively.

He just shook his head quickly and looked at his feet. “Saw something I wish I didn’t.” She didn’t respond but Emmet and Drake’s booming laughter echoed from inside the house, causing him to scowl.

A few minutes later a shirtless Edward opened the front door with a galled expression on his face. “Now please, Black, enlighten me on what was so important that you needed to interrupt and see my pale white, naked ass.”

Jacob looked at a loss for words, but the other wolves howled with laughter along with Drake and Emmet. He eventually snapped out of it and said, “The red head’s been spotted again. We’ll chase her to a point and have to stop because she flees into your land. We’d like to know if you’d at least try to catch her?”

Edward still loved Bella, but he wasn’t IN love with her. His expression became serious. “Of course. No one wants to see Isabella hurt. The pack is more than welcome to cross over the lines to catch her, to a certain extent of course.” He didn’t want them over here on a wild goose chase unsupervised, such as Paul; he’d just cause problems. “Was that it?” Jacob nodded. “You could’ve just called instead of beating my bedroom door down.” Edward drawled.

“Well, sorry.” Jacob snarled. “I don’t exactly have leech on speed dial.”

“Bella has my number of course.” He said gesturing toward the frozen-in-place girl. She still wasn’t used to Edward cussing. Edward also knew saying that would get under the wolf’s skin. He gave a big smile when he heard Jacob’s teeth snap shut and grind.
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sorry it's been a while, I've just been feeling in a slump and not wanting to write, but I'm feeling better and will probably update soon. Coment!

