Status: Imma working on it!! Comment pretty please!!

Once Upon a December

Chapter Five

Days had passed since the incident with Jacob and it was time to return to school. The owner of silver Volvo parked his car in it’s usual spot. Edward turned to the nervous woman in the passenger seat and laced his fingers with her open hand. “You have nothing to be worried about.”

“It’s just I’ve never been to a real school before,” Ana sighed. “When I grew up it wasn’t allowed for women to attend any schooling.”

Edward understood her nerves, but still smiled. “Well, you’ll be fine.” Edward stepped out of the car then went to the other side, opening Ana’s door. Ana smoothed out her hair and crossed her arms anxiously as she found a lot of people staring. Many were thinking about the Cullen’s return, others about Ana. Alice climbed from the backseat and laced her arm with Ana’s, walking them both away from Edward, leaving him to follow behind.

“Don’t worry about the starring, they always do.” Alice giggled. “Also you’ll fit in fine.” Ana had become to love Alice’s gift of sight. It always gave her a feeling of reassurance. They walked past a group of girls, who all wore a look as if they smelled something unpleasant. “The blonde’s Lauren. She’s the ring leader of their little drama-filled circus. The one with the big hair is Jessica; she’ll be nice to your face, then make fun of it later. Last is the only one I like, Angela Webber. She’s really quiet, but really nice.”

Ana laughed at Alice’s descriptions and they finally reached a door that said ‘Attendance Office.’ Ana took a deep, unnecessary breath and opened the door. A woman peered over her glasses and back at them. “May I help you?”

“Ah yes.” Alice smiled. “We’re new students. Well, two of us have just returned.”

Mrs. Cope smiled, “Oh of course.” she messed around on her desk but finally pulled out them out, handing them over to Alice and Edward. The elderly woman looked back down to continue what she was doing.

A few minutes past, and finally Edward cleared his throat. She looked up, surprised to see them standing there. “Yes?”

Ana, who was in the back looked at her and offered a small smile. “I’m a new student.” She whispered, accent flowing thick.

The woman starred at her, like everyone does when they see a vampire’s smile. But Ana wasn’t just smiling; third generation vampire’s are gifted with three gifts, not just one. The one she was using is called compulsion. It could give the user complete control over the subject if said person is weak enough. “Sor-sorry sweetheart, I didn’t see you standing there.” Mrs. Cope stuttered out at last.

“I blend in, I know.” Ana smiled. She focused on the woman and began to feel the compulsion take effect. “You will check your computer records and add in this information.” She commanded pulling the files from her bag. She was putting herself in the system. “Then you’ll give me my schedule.”

The woman nodded and soon enough she was handed Ana a white piece of paper. “Here you are Ms. Nikolaevna.”

“Ah crap!” Ana sighed once they were in the hallway. Her outburst caught the attention of many students.

“What?” Edward said quickly.

“I have first period alone!” Ana complained. Alice and Edward both laughed.

“I’ll see you second and Edward will see you third and walk you to lunch.” Alice giggled.

Anastasia ground loudly, throwing her head back. She pulled the wadded-up map out of her pocket and looked at Alice and Edward. “Well it looks like I’m in building two for World History which is…” Edward turned her the opposite direction in which she was standing. She giggled and gave him a look of, ‘I knew that’ and continued off in the right direction this time.

The bell rang before the ironically nervous vampire could make it into the room. She opened the door just enough to slip into the room, hopefully unnoticed. “I’m a new student.” She said quietly to the teacher behind the desk.

The man jumped, looking up startled to see her dazzling smile. “Um, of course.” Mr. Santos said once he came back to reality. “Miss Anastasia I presume?”
Ana nodded, grateful at the face he didn’t attempt to pronounce her name. She could feel the stares pouring into her back, and hated how unsettling it felt. “Go ahead and take whatever seat is open.”

The only seat that was open was next to a boy in a tie in the very back. He had greasy black hair and olive skin. As soon as Ana sat down he whispered. “Hi, I’m Eric Yorkie.”

“Anastasia.” She whispered, just loud enough for him to hear. The boy began to babble on about something, but she didn’t listen. Ana was too wrapped up in the whispers going on around her.

Unfortunately for Ana the stares only got worse as the day went on. Finally, she reached third period, English with Mr. Berty. “I’m really beginning to rethink this whole school thing, Ed.” Ana whispered to Edward. He, Ana, and Alice sat in the very back of the class, seeing as they were the only remaining seats.

He rolled his eyes, “You’ll get used to it.”

“No, you didn’t see it.” Alice stated seriously to her brother. “They were staring if she was a bug about to be dissected.”

Ana sighed and leaned back in her chair. Only one stare in this class bothered her, and that was of Bella Swan. Bella didn’t look mad, or upset, she just looked…blank. It was really beginning to drive Ana on edge.

Mr. Berty began passing out the new assignment. It was called a ‘Day in the Life’. It entitled reading about someone in history and writing a report on them. “Mike Newton, George Washington.” The blond sighed, but took the paper from the teacher none the less” Anastasia Nikolaevna,” Ana cringed as her miss pronounced her name, once again, “Queen Elizabeth, the first.” Ana looked amused at this, seeing as she once met the Queen. The paper was of a list of books the were aloud to read for the report. “Jessica Stanley, Cleopatra.” Jessica looked excited at hers.

The class went on like this, and he eventually came to Bella Swan. “Bella Swan, Dracula.” Ana and Alice began to shake with held in laughter, while Edward snorted in response. If only Bella knew of the house guest they currently had at home.

“Is something wrong, Mr. Cullen?” Mr. Berty said sharply.

Edward shook his head with a condescending grin. “No sir, not at all.”

The bell soon rang and Ana caught Bella before she left the room. She wanted to be friends with this girl, hoping it’d stop the staring. “I know someone who can help you with your report.”

“What like an expert on him or something?” She said plainly.

“Nope.” Ana grinned, “How about the real thing?”
♠ ♠ ♠
First day of school like, EVER for miss Ana. Commet and I promise i'll update sooner.

