Status: Imma working on it!! Comment pretty please!!

Once Upon a December

Chapter Six

“I still don’t see why they couldn’t of come to us.” Drake grumbled as he and Ana crossed the border into the La Push. He didn’t mind helping out the Isabella girl, he actually found her quite interesting, he just hates dogs. Let alone over-groan ones.

Ana giggled at his uneasiness. “For some reason her mutt doesn’t trust her alone with you.” she sarcastically drawled.

Drake rolled his eyes. “What happened to not judging a person for their past? For Christ’s sake they like you, and you should be the one they fear.”

Ana nodded in agreement. “Damn straight.”

The Black’s dwelling was just a small, red house that looked extremely homely. Much better than the cold, castle walls she endured while being married to Drake. She knocked once on the door, and Jacob was quick to answer. Ana paid no attention to him, just shrugged past with Drake following along. “Hello Bella.” Ana smiled to the human girl. “This is Drake.”

Drake lifted the human’s hand, softly kissing the back. “It’s a pleasure to see you again Miss Isabella.”

Bella’s face was crimson from Drake’s flattery. “I remember meeting you in Italy, but I thought it was just my imagination running wild. It’s seemed to crazy to be meeting the real Dracula.”

Drake laughed and sat across from her on the couch and Ana on the other hand wondered into the kitchen, where Billy Black was currently at. She cleared her throat, making her presence known to the elder-looking man.
“Hello Anastasia.” Billy smiled. Next to him was a Seth and who Ana presumed to be his mother and sister. “This is Sue Clearwater and her daughter, Leah. It seems you all ready know Seth.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Clearwater, Leah. And nice to see you again Seth.” Sue seemed to be mesmerized like all the others when they saw the vampire smile. Leah on the other hand looked in different. “Well, I was just saying hello, I need to go make sure Drake doesn’t scare Bella with those old horror stories too bad.”

Billy and Sue laughed. “Kids, why don’t you go on with Anastasia and let Billy and I talk.”

They went back into the living room in time to hear Bella ask, “Is it true you skinned your first wife?” She looked embarrassed by the question as soon as she asked it, but Drake only smiled.

“Ah, yes. That’s the watered-down version of it.” Drake didn’t look proud to owning up to the horrific acts he committed while mortal, but not ashamed either. “Back in the 1400’s that is what happened when you cheated on your husband. Thankfully for most, times have changed.” Bella looked slightly repulsed by this information, but she continued to ask questions none the less.

Ana sat down next to Drake and leaned back, listening to Seth banter on about a new TV show, while Leah twirled her hair. Leah looked up just once, her eyes connecting with Drake’s. It felt for her as if the Earth stopped spinning, and time itself was at a stand still.

Drake on the other hand, stopped talking and openly gaped at the beautiful woman in front of him. “He-hello.” He stuttered, not being his usual suave self.

“Hi.” she whispered softly. “I’m Leah.”
“Drake.” he smiled nervously.

“Oh god.” Ana groaned, feeling like she was thrown into some cheezy romantic comedy. She knew what just happened, hell just froze over. All because the werewolf imprinted on a vampire.
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oh snap...I really just wanted to say that. Comment pretty pretty please! And not just like 'love the update', i'd like some real criticism.

