Status: Imma working on it!! Comment pretty please!!

Once Upon a December

Chapter Eight

After the night with Leah and Drake, Edward went hunting the next morning. Ana did the only thing she could think to do. She called her son. The phone rang for what felt like forever till finally she felt her heart drop because he wasn't going to answer. May be she had hurt him too bad. But then she heard his voice.


"Alec?" She whispered. She dreamed of hearing her son's voice for twenty years.

"Mom?" He asked.

She nodded even though he could see her. "Yeah baby it's me."

The phone paused. She almost thought that he was going to hang up. "I can't believe it's you. You just disappeared! You left Ed, Dad, you even left me."

"I know." She whispered. Hearing him say that made the guilt shatter her heart into a million pieces. "I'm sorry, but I'm back now. I'm in Forks with Edward, and your Dad's here too. I'm looking for a house of mine own, and I want you to move here with me."

"I-I just can't up and leave, I have obligations here! It'd be wrong of me." He sighed. She took a deep breath and held the phone with shaking hands.

Anastasia ran a hand over her face and her body rocked with the sobs she held in at an attempt to steady herself. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't of called. I shouldn't of bothered you. I-"

"Wait!" Alec said interrupting her. "But that doesn't mean I won't."


Finding a place in Forks was much easier than she thought. Eventually she ran across an old Victorian deep in the woods. No one has lived there in years. She asked around and apparently know one even knew it existed. Well they do now, because it's her new home.

She eventually made it back to the Cullens to gather her things. Just as she slipped a different pair of shoes on her feet, the door opened. Edward looked at her. He was beside her in seconds, and had to take a deep breath to keep from screaming. He then asked with a strained voice, "Are you leaving?"

She took her face in her hands and gently ran her thumbs across his cheeks. "I called Alec today. He's coming to live with me."

Edward jerked away. "You promised you wouldn't leave me again. What the hell Ana?"

"I couldn't impose on your family forever, Ed." She said softly. "I needed a place of my own. I don't see why your freaking out, it's not far from the Forks city limits."

Edward stopped and took a step back towards her with a confused yet happy expression on his face. "You mean your not leaving Forks?"

"Oh course not, silly." She smiled. "I just wanted a house of my own."

"So your just leaving me at home." He said slowly.

Ana nervously looked down at her hands and picked at the chipped fingernail polish. "Actually, I wanted you to come with me."


"Well it needs work." Ed decided as they pulled up in front of their new home.

Ana shrugged, agreeing. "So it's a little rough. But we can make it amazing."

Edward pulled his lover into his lap. "Just you and me." He said before kissing her neck.

"And Alec soon enough, but yeah you and me together. I'm in this for the long run." She whispered before attaching her lips to his. It wasn't anything lustful or dirty, just a sweet, simple kiss.

Now all that was left was telling everyone else.

After they packed everything, Esme stood at the door with a saddened expression. "I can't believe my little boy is growing up."

Carlise wrapped his arms around his disheveling wife. He looked at his son. No matter if they weren't blood related, Edward was Esme's and Carlise's son, as were they his parents. Edward rolled his eyes. "I'm not going far. We'll be over all the time."

Esme still sob and grabbed onto the unsuspecting Emmet who was trying to walk by. He looked uncomfortable in the viper grip she had him. "Still!" She smiled, but sad none the less, before turning on Emmet. "You are never aloud to move out."

The room erupted in laughter. "By Mom." he said kissing Esme's cheek and carrying out the last box.

Ana went to leave but Esme stopped her. "Take care of him, will you?" Ana nodded at her request. As they loaded the car and began to drive away they heard. "I expect grand babies!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Kinda family centered. You didn't really think she'd leave like that did you? Comment pretty please! It hurts meh feelings to see that no one cares enough too. They really do make my day.

