Status: Imma working on it!! Comment pretty please!!

Once Upon a December

Chapter Nine

Anastasia was barefoot. It was the middle of the night and she wore a skimpy, red silk, spaghetti strap dress that hit about mid-thigh. Her hair was messily held back by a clip atop her head, and cherry red lip stick stained her lips. Ana’s long, golden tan legs seemed never ending as she walked, crossing her legs in a cat walk like manner. She walked to the familiar two story house and opened the door without knocking. It looked as if no one was home. She let her fingers trail the walls as she glided down the hall to the cracked open bed room door. Ana raised her foot high enough to gently nudge it open. He was waiting for her. The man sat up upon the bed, watching as she straddled his waist. She grabbed the bottom hem of his shirt and lifted it over his head, revealing his tan muscled chest and arms; her cold, slender fingers tickling lightly across his warm skin. He began to kiss her gently, before turning the tables by roughly grabbing her waist and then moving to assault her neck with violent kisses. Ana pushed away to stand back up once more and she slowly unzipped the her dress, letting the red silk fall around her feet. The wolf pulled the vampire closer and reached for her bra clasp-

Sam shot up and awake from his dream drenched in sweat. He didn’t understand why he was having that dream.

Well, he knew why he was having that kind of dream, but not why it was about her. He looked over at his still sleeping fiancé, and rolled on to his side, his back facing her. He didn’t know why he didn’t feel guilty about it either. Sam didn’t return to sleep that night.

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Awaiting Alec’s arrival had left Ana a little bit anxious. Edward watched his love run about the house sweeping the floor, dusting the furniture, and even hanging her old pictures. A particular one caught his eye.

“Is this from our first trip to Paris?” He asked, knowing she’d hear him from anywhere in the house. It was from the 1920’s, a favorite of his actually. Ana stood beside me, in our 1920's get up, smiling as brightly as she could. It still amazes me were still that happy young couple today.

"Yeah." She answered. "I have all our old pictures." And she did. After that, every picture hanging was us in the same position, but times were changing as well as the fashions. Except the one at the end. It was an infant, looking no older than a few months.

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"I see where you are coming from." Billy said taking a drink from his coffee.

Sam had gone to Billy, because Billy wouldn't judge. Billy thought imprinting was just a paring of genetics. but everyone else thought it was your soulmate; Sam used to. "I just don't understand. I've found my imprint, I'm happy with Emily." I think...

"All right, Sam let me tell you a story." Billy smiled reassuringly at the young wolf. "A male cardinal is known for it's mate. A female cardinal is known for it's brownish, dull feathers, whereas the male cardinal is known for it's red feathers to attract mates. But something strange happens, and another red, but female cardinal comes along. The other red female is the lust that tempts the male, where the brown cardinal is it's love."

"So what your saying is Emily is the brown female, and love and Anastasia is the lustful red one." Sam said slowly, catching on to the older man's strange bird analogy.

Billy nodded, happy he was following along in his relation to the birds. "But beware Sam, don't fall victim to the temptation of lust, or your brown cardinal may just fly away."

Was it true that imprinting wasn't set in stone as they say? But it was too late. The red female had firmly caught between her talons.


Weeks had passed on and Alec still hadn't shown. They returned to school as usual, and graduation was nearing everyday.

"I think we should throw a graduation party." Alice chirped, falling into step with Ed and Ana as they walked to class.

Ed laughed, "Alice, we've graduated plenty of times already."

"Yes, brother," Alice smiled. "We have, but Ana here has not. She deserves a party."

Edward looked over at Anastasia, who happened to be staring off into space. She needed something to cheer her up. What Edward wanted to do, was find Alec and beat him for standing his mother up....but that'd just upset her further. So the party will have to suffice.


Victoria sat upon the rock, running a hand through her hair. "You know, Riley, this may be the best idea you've had after all."

Riley laughed, looking back down at the unconscious vampire. "Poor Alec. They'll never find you."
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it jumps around a bit, but I actually like it. Comment to motivate me!!

