Stories Left Untold


So ten o’clock rolled around. Jenna and I are standing around in the lobby waiting for Jordan to get there.

“Where the fuck is he?” I asked.

“He said he’ll be here at ten, chill,” Jenna snapped back at me.

“It is ten, where is his ass?”

Then what do you know, Mr. ‘I didn’t win the Selke’ walks in.

“Sorry I’m late ladies,” Jordan said as he apologized.

Who does this guy think he is?

“It’s okay!” Jenna said.

I rolled my eyes and said, “Who’s that?”

Jordan turned to see who was coming and said, “Oh, that’s one of my teammates.”

“Well, he’s kind of really cute,” I said with a smile. “What’s his name?”

“Sidney Crosby.”

“Hey Jordan... ladies.”

I think it was love at first sight. This guy was so charming and smooth with his words and very good looking.

“Hi, Sidney!” Jenna let out a big squeal and waved.

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

The only time I’ve ever seen Sidney Crosby was on my television during Penguins’ games. He was one of the best perks about being from Pittsburgh. But Jenna never let me enjoy him as a player; she was always fangirling over him... A LOT. A little too much. It got really annoying, really quick.

Tonight was my turn. Jordan liked her, not me; therefore, not my problem! You could tell that he liked her, especially by the way he kept looking at her. Don’t get me wrong, Jordan was such a handsome devil... well, technically he’s a penguin but you get my point.

I pushed her out of my way, “Hi, I’m Kimberly... well, you can call me Kim.”

“Hi, I’m Sidney, but I’m sure Jordan here has already told you that.”

I laughed. “It’s nice to have finally met you,” I said to him.

“Yeah! I’ve been wanting to meet you for the longest time!” Jenna jumped in.

I rolled my eyes and pushed her away. “Being from Pittsburgh and all, it’s actually nice to meet the city’s icon.”

“Whoa, you’re from Pittsburgh?” he questioned me.

“Born and raised, all twenty-two years of my life!” I sounded bubbly, but that was because I’m talking to ‘THE Sidney Crosby’.

“That’s sweet. How long have you been a Pens’ fan?”

“Pretty much since I came out of the womb,” I joked.

“Wow,” he laughed. Boy did he have the cutest laugh ever.

But what was I thinking, I have a boyfriend back home. I shouldn’t be like trying to have this guy hit on me... or was I hitting on him. I don’t know, it didn’t matter. I was in Vegas to have fun. Which I barely had.

“Let’s get going guys,” Jordan suggested.

We all walked outside to get into the limo. No need for cabs while you’re with famous hockey players. You ride big time with these guys. It was kind of nice. Didn’t need socially awkward conversations with weird cab drivers.

Jenna tried sitting down beside Sidney but I rushed to sit down next to him.

“Kim, seriously. What is your problem? You have a boyfriend,” Jenna said getting testy with me. She then sat down next to Jordan with a look of disgust on her face.

“I’m in Vegas, I can do what I want.”

Sidney looked at me. “Wait, you have a boyfriend?”


“Well, there goes my chance.”

Jenna didn’t like that one. She stared at me the rest of the ride to the bar. What the fuck was her problem? She had to of known Staal liked her, it was kind of obvious.

Our limo finally reached the bar. Sidney helped me out, as did Jordan with Jenna. These guys weren’t just some hockey players with their hockey sticks suck up their asses, they were the kindest gentlemen ever. Matthew didn’t even do that for me.

We walked inside and Sidney asked me what I wanted to drink.

“I’m not that much of a drinker, so I don’t know,” I told Sidney.

“Two Mai Tais please,” Sidney told the bartender. “You can just try it.”

“What if I don’t like it?”

“Oh trust me, you’ll like it. It’s to die for.”

The bartender brought us our drinks and I took a sip. “Mmmm, this is good.”

“See, I told you.” He laughed. “Well, we got one thing down.”

I was confused. “What’s that?”

“You can trust me.”

“Yeah, trust you to buy me drinks.” I laughed.

After I finished my first drink, I asked him to suggest another one. I was curious to try new things. After all, I never drank before in my life.

“Kim! What are you doing?” Jenna saw me sitting at the bar.

“Jenna, try having some fun once in a while. I’m 22, you’re 19. You’re not my mother.”

Sidney gave me a look. The look of him liking what he was hearing/seeing.

She huffed and then walked away saying, “fine, but if you do something stupid, don’t come to me.”

Sidney ordered me another drink. This time, shots of Patron. I didn’t like the fact that we were gonna do shot, but what was the harm. I was here to have a good time.

“Wanna have a competition?” Sidney asked me.

I think the people around us heard him say this because they all started to gather around.

“To see who can do the most shots before giving up?”


“Okay, fine. You’re on,” I said as I picked up a shot glass.

“First to fifteen wins.”

We were on our thirteenth shot when he seemed to be getting a little weak. So I thought it would have been funny to ask, “Getting a little week there, eh?” I was starting to slur my words. I drank my fourteenth as he picked up his next shot. I sat down the glass and picked up my final one.

“This one’s for you, Crosby” and I threw the shot down my throat.

He slammed his glass on the table and said, “Well, fuck. A girl just beat me.”

“Are you gonn drink dat?” I said to him.

“No...” he said going to hand me the glass.

“And you certainly aren’t.” We turned to see Jenna standing there with Jordan, who was quite drunk himself.

“If you don’t like the stuff I’m doing, then leave.” I said.

Then she turned around and left. Thank god, she was getting on my last nerve. She acted like she was my mother.

Sidney got up and grabbed me by the arm and said, “Let’s go.”

“Where we going?” I said.

“To another bar.”

“What, really!?” I said kind of excited. Then my phone went off.

Call from Katey:
“Yeeeeeeee, I jus got marrriedddd!”

“The fuck?”

“Yeah, to some dude name Patrick.”

“You hate men?”

“But he’s soooooooooooooooooo hottttttttttaaaa!” It was pretty obvious she was totally wasted. She’ll be hating herself in the morning.

“Whatever,” I said as I hung up on her.


“So?” Sidney said.

“She hates men...”

“Oh, well let’s just get going.”

“Okay!” I said all bubbly again.

I had enough alcohol in me to make me do something stupid, but I don’t know what it was, I just got this sudden urge to just want to fuck this dude. Like right here, right now. I didn’t give a fuck who saw us.

Our limo drove around the corner to pick us up. On the ride to the next bar, and I saw this couple walking down the sidewalk. They were yelling at each other and she was going through her purse trying to find things to throw at her boyfriend...

“Oh my god! That’s Katey!”

...or husband.