Status: Complete

Home Sweet Home?

Walking on Sunshine

A lot is said about my walking the Earth. Seals are broken and all that fun stuff. Well, there are a lot of things that happen when the sixty six seals are broken and rather than boring you with details of that, we'll just stick to the path of me. After the seals were broken by my faithful and delectable Lilith, I crawled out of the hole that I was locked in, only to be forced back in. I could leave but not in the form I was in. Angels are entities, you see. More like a soul that have to take peoples bodies and use them. I had to find someone to use.

But who?

Who could I find to take me? It would have to be someone strong. Strong enough to deal with my power and someone handsome. Ugly humans wouldn't be able to reflect my perfection. I sent out demon after demon, searching for the perfect body for me. After months and months of searching the world, they came to me with one that was perfect. His body was lean and littered with muscles. His hair was a deep brown color and his eyes were a heavenly blue. He was perfect.

And I walked the Earth. I took my time to get from one place to another, of course never really getting too comfortable in one place but never seeming out of control. I killed a few people here, a couple hundred there, all to make a statement. And, my party posse decided to show up---thank Heaven for them. You know them so very well. There are four of them. My favorite people in the world to help spread my kingdom; war, famine, pestilence and death. Otherwise known as the four horsemen. All I want to do is go home. And they can help me. If they can build a bridge to Heaven with the bones of humans, I can walk home and rejoin the light.

And that's what they did.

First came War. Like a little gardener, War planted the seeds of hate. One country after another, War pushed the tiniest of things. A small argument with Mr. and Mrs. Smith that brings up different beliefs. That brings up a whole neighborhood to separate into two sides. That brings a whole court cause, separating a city. That city then goes to the state, and so on and so forth. Small things can make people go at each other's neck is what War does. Then came Famine. Famine made you hungry. Famine made you want food so much you can't stand it any longer. You had to eat and eat and eat. Famine was one of my favorites, really. Famine made people eat themselves to death or drink themselves to death. He made them starve for things.

Next came Pestilence. Along with Pestilence came the obvious disease. He spread the worm of sickness through the land and that made the world go black. Famine destroyed not only humans but also the entire Earth. Turned it as black as the Hell I lived in. It was wonderful. Last, but certainly not least, was Death. Death was one that everyone honored and respected. Death, however, was not a fan of some of my….work. Death might have been the spokesperson for all of my justification, but he really didn't like it. He liked order. I, apparently, unbalanced that order. Not that I mind though. I love disorder.

And I was paving the way to the promise land. All four of them walked down the streets of broken cities and I was in the middle. Literally. The place I could get back to my home was in a church, so appropriate, no? I am an angel of the lord after all. The church was in a small town in America. Why is it that the Western civilizations always seem to have the most things happen to them? I find that funny, though this time shouldn't really be something to brag about. It is the end of the world. Or at least….their world. Mine was starting anew.


How disgusting they are.

Worthless and helpless.

Angels are no different, though. Pitiful, moronic minions. I was great. I was beautiful. I was a beacon of hope for the cold, emotionless brethren of mine Then I was cast down. There was hope, though. A demon took charge for me and brought me out of my cage so I may dance once more in the light of my father's love. And with a little help from my friends (and their deaths) I was able to walk up a golden path of bone and flesh to the golden gates of Home.

"You can't be here!" a rather familiar, yet still so annoying, voice shouted at me.

"Peter," I said as I placed my hand on his shoulder, giving it a squeeze that forced him to his knees. "I did miss your charming voice down in my pit. Be a good lad and tell the boss man I'm here?"

"You know I c-c-can't leave my p-post." He stammered out, making me sigh.

"Peter, Peter, Peter," I tsked as I pulled him to his feet and pushed him through the gates. "You can do anything now that I'm back home. After all, I'm here to save you from yourselves."

"You're still the arrogant, proud and pompous angel you were when you left."

"Michael," I said as I turned to my brother. "I hope you know that it was you who forced me out."

"I never forget anything, Lucifer."

"I wonder who is more arrogant, brother; you or me."

"How," said Michael. "Am I arrogant?"

"Your name simply states how arrogant you are. 'One who resembles God'. You think you're the greatest because you are daddy's favorite." Michael shook his head, the body he chose almost as perfect as mine.

"Lucifer, you can never understand how blind you are to Father's wishes. He wanted nothing from you but to--"

"Nothing but to love something more than him! How can I? Even now, I still love him. I just want to come home."

"You cannot stay, Lucifer. You know you cannot."

"I just want to stay, brother. Why can you not give me that? Why is it so wrong for me to stay here?"

"You know what you have done, Lucifer. You know who has followed you and who wishes to follow you. The angels here would gladly follow you."

"Oh would they?" I asked as I looked around for someone to come out and greet me. It was only Michael and me, however.

"You must leave, Lucifer." Michael said, making me grin.

"No before I make sure Father knows I'm here." I said before walking passed him and heading through Heaven to make myself known.