Status: Complete.

Burning Bridges, Building Love


Jake swallowed heavily as he glanced around the airport. She was late, or atleast it seemed that way. He couldn’t believe he was inviting a stranger to the Vast Expansion. It was Rayne and his hide away. No one looked at large plots of lands with race tracks on it as a celebrity home not even for Carey Hart or the guys of the Metal Mulisha. It was like they didn’t understand that athletes had to practice somewhere.

Nibbling his lips those baby blues of his that got so many girls drifted down to his chiming phone. A goofy smile graced his features at the new text message from the one girl who got to call him hers.

Quickly opening it he smiled at the picture of there two dogs wearing what looked to be jerseys with a Rockstar logo on them. Laughing he scrolled down to the next picture laughing at their backs. They each had their own number with their names above it.

“God.” He whispered amazed to the lengths Rayne went with her obsession for riding gear and everything motocross.

To: TheWife<3
You’re so weird. Where did you even get those?

He replied quickly before glancing back up. Humming at the lack of the small woman he was waiting for he went back to his phone as it chimed.

New Text

Opening it he frowned at his phone. Who would go to such lengths to please the crazy woman other than himself? No one he’d ever met or knew of. Everyone else laughed in her face or simply told her no. He was the only one that broke down and agreed to just about everything and she did the same with him.

Rockstar sent them to me this morning. I think they’re dope!

“I’m sorry I’m late.” Jake’s head snapped up and away from his phone at the meek voice. “I’m so sorry.” She breathed heavily, pushing her dirty blonde hair out of her face. She was flushed and a touch sweaty as she leaned over him with heavy breaths.

Smiling he waved his hand at the open seat next to him.

“I thought you weren’t going to show up.” he stated truthfully as he sent Rayne a new text calling her a freak of a nature.

“Traffic was horrible. I wouldn’t miss this opportunity for anything.” She smiled weakly. Nodding Jake glanced back at his phone when it chimed and patted the seat next to him. “Thank you.” Simply nodding he opened his newest text from Rayne.

“Your welcome.” Jake whispered trying to hide his sly smile and the blush rising in his cheeks at Rayne’s words. “Fucking woman.” He hissed at his phone replying to her sexual remark.

“Are you… are you talking to me or …your phone?” She whispered confused. Jake’s head snapped up.

“Oh, sorry. My phone.” He laughed, flushing a deep red.

“Who are you texting?” She pried carefully, skillfully.

“Ray.” Jake stated opening the new text. Clearly Rayne wasn’t doing anything of importance other than try to embarrass him. She always knew when he was in public and took full advantage off it.

“Rayne? You’re wife?” Jake hummed nodding.

“What…” Rubbing his large paw like hand over his mouth he sighed heavily at the picture in his phone. Sighing heavily he hit reply to get rid of it. It wasn’t anything compromising of her, no it was simply a picture of something completely obscure with a sexual reference to it. This time it was a rolling pin.

Reply To:

You don’t cook so nothing good can come out of you having that.

Sending it he glanced up at the small woman sitting next to him. Forcing a smile he waved nervously. She had worse hawk-like eyes than Debbie, Rayne’s over protective mother.

“You’re staring at that phone like you’re in love with it.” She mused. Shrugging Jake turned his attention back to his phone at it chimed. “Not the phone, just the woman on the other end right?”

“Well…” Jake sighed. “It was.” He grumbled seeing the name on his phone. Huffing he opened his newest text message.

New Text

What are you up to sexy?

Deleting the message he rolled his eyes. He wanted nothing to do with her but sadly he had to work with her. Now she was going to harass him on his two weeks off. Just what he wanted. Note the heavy lace and delicately placed sarcasm.

“And who’s that?” She asked gently eyeing him closely. His loving, euphoric gaze at his form had turned disgusted and almost hateful in split seconds.

“No one.” He smiled at Rayne’s reply to his.

“You really do love her.” Jake glanced up at the woman next to him surprised. “It’s so easy to tell in these few short moments that you do. That you didn’t settle.” She whispered gently.

“You seem surprised.” Jake stated sadly.

“It’s hard to decide if you actually do or not.” She sighed turning towards him. “You don’t mind that we’re filming this, do you?” Jake frowned looking around. Sure enough at the seats across from them a man sat with a camera.

“Oh no. Its fine I told you could bring a friend and what not. This is basically you’re interview, when ever you want to start it, how ever you want to do it.” Jake stated simply.

“So you’re fine with a camera?” Jake nodded as his eyes drifted down to his phone once more, it had chimed again as Rayne texted him something new.

“What were you saying about not deciding on the subject?” Jake asked glanced at her while opening the older message.

New Text

If I recall I’m a pretty good cook. I mean you let me grill, bake, and cook your buns all the time. ;]

Jake rolled his eyes at that but changed messages opening the new one from her.

“I was saying,” His eyes lifted to her before he could read his new message. “It’s hard to decided. There are interviews that make her seem cold hearted, and no offense, evil. Then compared to you, you’re a very nice man with a good heart. You two don’t seem to fit based on those things yet there are some interviews together, much like a few weeks ago,” Jake smiled at the interview they’d terrorized some poor woman together with. “Loving gazes and vaguely referenced memories with no details were something that can’t be described and all the pictures of you together constantly smiling. It’s hard to tell if you’re just with her because of a vague death threat,” Jake covered his smile and the tickle of a laugh in his throat. “Or if you actually love her.” She stated simply.

“I actually love her craziness.” Jake smiled. “She’s only mean and rude to people who treat her like my latest fling, some piece of meat, or a moron. She may be a head case from so many head injuries but she’s the smartest woman I’ve ever met.” Licking his lips Jake smiled weakly. “And you never want to piss off an adrenaline junkie. They have no fear, no filters, and no problem tearing someone down because their job is destroying things for peoples’ entertainment, that includes them selves and others. People here in L.A. don’t seem to get that and push her buttons.” Jake rolled his eyes at their stupidity. “I won’t be surprised if one day she takes her truck through someone’s studio wall asking if they have an interview with her that day.” He laughed at the idea. It was a very plausible idea and moment for her.

“You talk about her with such admiration.”

“You don’t get it.” Lowering his phone Jake turned towards her. She sat up right, facing him as well ready to get the whole scoop. “No one’s taken the time to get to know her like I have, like many others have. Everyone in L.A. saw her name on that first bill of actors and actresses she was in with me looked her up and saw she threw herself and a dirt bike around for a living, got hurt, terrorized people like the Jackass Crew and suddenly she was a bad person. She’s not. She’s the nicest human being I know, she’s understanding. And once people found out we were dating, she became this things,” He groaned at the idea annoyed with it. “That crawled out of hell it’s self to eat peoples souls and happened to latch onto me. That’s not even true.” He sighed shaking his head. “And I’m glad you’re bringing a camera to document that.” Turning back in his chair he lifted his phone.
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Thank you for reading. It means alot. :]