Status: New! :)

Why I'm Home


And I'm worn out of fighting
And every night you leave crying
And I could use some time
And here I am
There you go again…

Did you scream enough to make her cry?
-Forever The Sickest Kids.

“Really Sarah?! I just got home and you think it’s a good idea to bombard our house with fifty plus people?!”

“I thought this would make you happy, you’ve been gone for the past five months and haven’t gotten to see anyone. I tho-”

“If I wanted to hang with them I would have called them!”

“I’m sorry.”

“You’re always sorry! How about you start fucking using your damn head and stop planning stupid shit the day after I get home?!”

“They can probably all hear you down stairs.” She told him trying to keep calm while she was willing herself not to cry. She knew that would only make everything worse because he hates it when she cries, and making him angrier was the last thing that she wanted to do right now. The party guests were already filing in down stairs as well as the rest of the band and crew. He, as well as the band and the crew had been gone for the past five months touring around the united states playing packed venues and sold out arenas. They were living their dreams out and Sarah couldn’t have been happier for them, it was all they have ever wanted and they have worked so hard to get to where they were. She thought this was a good idea, throwing a welcome back type of party so they could all catch up with some of their close friends who they haven’t seen in months, but obviously she was wrong. But she never would have expected him to get this angry over having people over at their house. It isn’t like he doesn’t like them, they’re all close friends of his and the band. But then again she should have figured he would, he’s been like this for a while now. On edge was the only way she really knew how to put it. Even when she went to visit him on the road two months ago he was in this ’mood’. The weekend she had spent with him on tour was a disaster and she still didn’t like to think about the things that were said while she was there. Anything he could find he would pick at, whether it be her clothes, hair, food she had picked up for them, nothing would make him happy and he would always find a way to start yet another fight. It was a total waste of her time in her eyes, it had only driven their relationship even farther apart.

She watched him as he finished getting dress and headed into the connected bathroom to touch up his hair. She as well check her appearance in the mirror then made her way down the stairs with Zack following behind her. Alex flashed her a sympathetic smile and she flashed him a small smile before plastering on a fake grin she would be wearing for the remainder of the night. She was in an exceptional mood before Zack decided he wanted to start yet another fight with her. She hated fighting with him even more when knowing people had over heard it, like the thirty or so people she has wondering around the lower level of their two story home. To say the least she was embarrassed. After a while of wondering around through the groups of people she felt a pair of arms come around her and two hands covering her eyes, “Guess who.”

“Jack,” She turned around to face the lanky boy who was now in front of her.

“Thanks for throwing the party Sarah, its great to get to see everyone again in one place now that we’re all home for a couple days.” She was relieved that at least one of them looked to be having a good time there tonight.

“You’re welcome.” They exchanged a few more words before Jack left and headed towards the kitchen in search of his next drink of choice. She looked around surveying the room full of people enjoying their selves, she was surprised to see Zack in a seemingly better mood laughing at what ever one of the other guys in their little crowd had said. From the dinning room she heard a roar of cheers most likely from those cheering for the ones who had won the latest round of beer pong. The living room was filled with several groups of people, all of which had their own little conversations going, while everyone was making their rounds back in forth from the kitchen getting more to drink. She didn’t mind the large amount of people that were currently filling her house, she was actually quiet entertained just people watching.

“You plan on taking part in the party festivities cousin?” A very tipsy Rian had made his way over to her, she hardly a year younger that him and the two of them were surprisingly close. She had mat Zack through after one of their hometown shows about five years back. She was smitten the day she had met him, but she was way to shy to have ever said anything to him.

“Nah, I think I’m going to sit this one out tonight.”

“Party pooper.” He teasingly said as he draped one of his arms over her shoulders, pulling her into his side.

“I can do without the hangover tomorrow when I have wakeup early to clean all of this mess up.”

“I bet Zack will help you with that.”

“I doubt it, he’ll be too busy sleeping off all of the booze he has been consuming all night.”

“Yeah… You’re probably right…. Hire Merry Maids!”

“Yeah, ‘cause I can afford that.”

“You can’t. Zack can. Y’all are practically married, what’s his is your’s.”

“It’s amusing to hear your views on things.”

“Well, that might be so…”

“You’re halfway gone and make no sense right now.” She told him as she let out a laugh, it was the first one all night. Her mood was finally beginning to improve now that she saw everyone was having a good time and seemed to forget the little blow up from earlier that they had all over heard.


“Your lover boy is calling you.” Rian informed her with a cheeky grin.

“Thanks captain obvious.” She greeted a couple of people who had stopped her as she made her way over to her boyfriend who seemed to be enjoying himself now just as much as everyone else who was there. “What do you need babe?”

“Come with me real quick.” He told her as he took her hand and led her to the back porch where is was a lot quieter and currently occupied by only their two eight month old Labradors, Max and Duke. “ I’m sorry I got so mad at you earlier over throwing this party.”

“It’s fine.”

“No it’s not. You were only trying to do something nice for me and the guys and I was a complete dick about it. I’m sorry.”

“Okay, I forgive you. Now lets go back inside before someone breaks something.” The two of them made their way back inside only this time Zack had a firm arm around her waist and she had no complaints about that. Through the night he would place small random kisses on her every once in a while when he was making his rounds trying to catch up with as many people as he could.

The party slowly started winding down around a little after three in he morning. Alex and Rian had taken over the two guest rooms upstairs and Jack had been stuck with a couch down stairs in the living room. Sarah was pleased how well the night had ended, she would be even more pleased the following morning once she had the whole mess cleaned up.
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