Status: New! :)

Why I'm Home


She had made plans the previous night to go to lunch with her close friend who just so also happened to be dating Rian. She left a quick note on the fridge letting all of the guys know where she was going to be and what time they could expect her to be back. She made the short ten minute drive to the restaurant that they both had agreed upon the night before and saw her friend waiting in her car. She parked on the other side of her car then made her way over to her friend’s side.

“Good afternoon sunshine. What time did everyone finally file out of your house last night?”

“Most of them left around four. I was in bed by five. Up at ten, and done cleaning around eleven thirty. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.”

“Well that’s a relief. So what is Zack and the guys all up to now?”

“They were all still asleep when I left to come meet you here. I any of them are even awake yet.”

“Did you two fight anymore after most of the people left?”

“No, he actually apologized a couple hours into the party.”

“Well that’s a first.” She hated when anyone would say something negative about Zack or their relationship. Sure they had their moments, but so does every other couple out there. Just because they fight for the majority of the time that he gets to spend at home doesn’t mean that they don’t love each other any less than they used to. Of course Sarah missed the time when their relationship was new and they never fought. Who wouldn’t? Lately the fights turn the house into world war three. But this was all part of a relationship. It can’t always be prefect.

“He’s really not that bad Taylor.”

“That’s hard to believe after hearing the fit he threw last night over you inviting people over to your home.”

“He’s just stressed. He just got home and he still has to get himself back into the swing of being off tour. You can hardly blame him.”

“That’s no excuse for the way he acted last night.”

“Can we just drop it? I really don’t want to talk about it anymore.”

They sat in silence for a while both just enjoying what each had ordered for lunch.

“Have you taken a test yet?”


“Why not? You need to know for sure so you can start your appointments if you are. Plus there are pills and things you should be doing if you are.”

“I’m just scared… If I find out it’s only gonna make it that much more real.”

“Because it is real Sarah.”

“…I’m scared.”

“Of what?”

“What if Zack decides he doesn’t want to be with me because of it? What if he isn’t ready for this? He isn’t even sure if he ever wants kids at all. He always so negative about them… I can’t do this all alone.”

“You could always get rid of it if neither of you are ready for it.”

“I’m not getting an abortion. I’m gonna have it whether Zack stays around or not. “

“Well then you really have no reason to put off taking the test if you have already made your mind up about what you’re going to do.”

“…I’ll get one after lunch and we’ll go back to your apartment.”


She was scared to death and has been for the past month and a half since she had realized that she was ‘late’ and that the nausea was starting to kick in it was only making her more sure of what she thought was wrong. Yet she couldn’t build up the courage to take a test so she would know for sure. Knowing that she was indeed pregnant would mean her having to tell Zack, and she was scared to death of what his reaction might be with how he has been acting lately.