Status: New! :)

Why I'm Home


“Well you’re home early for a change.”

“Yeah, shocker huh?” She replied to her mother as she made her way over to the baby swing where Kaden was sitting, she carefully lifted him out of the seat and covered his face with kisses. “Hi baby, mommy missed you today.” she told him as she cradled him close to her chest. “How was he today?” She asked her mother as she made her way over to the couch to take a seat next to her mom.

“He was fine. Not too fussy. Rian called today for you.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah he wants you to meet him for dinner tonight, he just got in this morning from tour and wants to see you two.”

“Did he say what time he wanted to meet?”

“Six thirty.”


“His house.”

“Okay, well I’m gonna head upstairs and get changed then.”

“Okay, are you taking Kaden upstairs with you?”

“Yeah, I have his bouncy seat in my room he can sit in while I change.”

“Alright then.”

“Thank you for watching him today mom.”

“You’re welcome sweetie.”

She found herself standing in front of her closet trying to pick out an outfit to wear over to her cousin’s house. She was excited to see him, the last time they saw each other she was seven and a half months pregnant. She also couldn’t wait for him to meet Kaden, she knew he would have a hoot over him. Once she was finished changing herself she took Kaden into his room to change his clothes as well and pack a diaper bag to take along with them. She filled the bag with plenty of diapers and wipes, as well as a burp cloth, change of clothes, and two bottles of formula she had gotten from the kitchen to take along for if he got fussy or hungry.

Soon enough she was loading the baby car seat into the back of her and starting the short fifteen minute drive over to Rian’s house. She didn’t bother knocking on the front door once she arrived at his house, she never did.

“Hola?!” She called out as she made her way through the door and into the living room to set Kaden’s seat down so she could undo the safety straps that were holding him in the car seat. “Oh, Hi. Rian didn’t tell me he was having other guests over. I’m his cousin Sarah.” she introduced herself as she put out her hand to shake the stranger’s.

“John.” The man said as he shook her hand. “Who is this handsome guy?” He asked as he turned his attention to the small baby she had taken out of the seat and was now holding.

“This is Kaden.”

“How old?”

“Five weeks yesterday.”

“Well he is a cute baby.”

“Thank you. Do you know where Rian is by any chance?”

“Yeah, he went upstairs to change before you got here, he should be down any minute now.”

“Oh, so how do you know Rian?”

“My band opened for them on the tour he just got home from, I’m putting off heading back to the Arizona heat for one more day. Alex and the rest of the guys should actually be getting back soon now too, they went to pick up the pizzas we ordered for dinner.”

“Oh. Okay. So what do you do in your band?”

“Sing and play guit-”


Sarah jumped at the sudden noise and the two of them turned their attention to the bottom of the stairs where her cousin was standing She stood up and made her way over to him to give him a hug, while the both of them made sure not to harm the teeny baby that was between the two of the.

“There is no more baby bump getting in the way! Look at him, he is a handsome dude“ Sarah looked down at the small baby smiling proudly at him “… He looks so much like Zack… He’s gonna be a bruiser.”

“Zack’s mom said the same thing.”

“She saw him?”

“Yeah, at the hospital. She brought by a gift and held him for a couple minutes then left.”

“Has she seen him since?”

“No, I kind of don’t want them to either. I know by blood he is their grandchild, but I just don’t want unnecessary drama with them and Zack. You know? It would make things complicated.”

“Can I hold him?”

“Of course.” She handed the baby over to him and the two of them made their way over to the couch to take their seats. “Oh, Sarah, this is-”

“John. We met while you were upstairs.”

“Oh, alright then. So how have things been?”

“Not too bad, just getting used to my new sleeping schedule. Haven’t really adjusted to the whole wake up two hours to tend to a crying one month old.”

“Has Zack tried to talk to you at all?”


“Any new boys in your life I should know about?” These were the same questions he asked every time he saw after they had been apart for a long amount of time, she knew it was his way on checking in on her and seeing what was going on lately in her life. She didn’t mind the probing questions, she never had before either.

“Just Kaden, the whole single twenty year old mom of a one month old scares most of the boys away.”

“Shut up, you’re so negative. We’ve been giving Zack a hard time about all of this.”

“I’m not mad at him, I pity him. It’s no walk in the park, but he’s missing out on a lot. But he has a life evidently and he doesn’t want to have to give that up.”

“He’s an ass.”

“Stop. I don’t want to talk about him. He made his choice and I made mine. He left, and I have Kaden.”

“You shouldn’t have to do this alone though.”

“I’m not alone. I have my mom and dad. And you on the rare days you’re actually home. Now lets move on to a happier subject.”

“I’m home for a whole month for a change.”

“How did you manage that?”


“Sarah?! You better have my nephew here with you!” The four of them heard from the doorway. Of course it was none other that Jack and his loud voice. The second the door burst open Kaden started screaming, he wasn’t used to loud noises at all. T Sarah was sure that would change once he had spent some time around the guys.