Status: New! :)

Why I'm Home


“Of course he is here with me. Rian is holding him right now though.” She told the tall lanky boy as she walked over to him and wrapped him in a hug followed by being wrapped in a hug by Alex. She was excited to see all of the guys again.

“Well look at you hot mama! You look great.” Alex told her as he let her go from their hug.

“Thank you.” She told him as she felt the blood rush to her face. She had to admit it was a lot of hard work for her to get back to her pre pregnancy size and she wasn’t even down as far as she wanted to be, but she felt good about the fact people thought she looked good. She was a afraid that being pregnant would ruin her body and she would never be able to get back into her normal dress sizes, but now she knew that wouldn’t be the case.

“Oh, Sarah, these are the rest of the guys from my band. Jared, Pat, Garrett, and Kennedy.”

“Hello.” She told the small groups of guys that were still standing in the doorway behind them. They all were starting to make their way into the kitchen to get plates and drinks to have with their pizza.

She had a good night catching up with the boys and introducing baby Kaden to all of them. Come ten o’clock she decided it was time to head home and put the baby to bed before he started getting cranky around everyone.

“I’ll call you tomorrow and we’ll get lunch or something, alright?” Rian told her as she was loading Kaden into his baby seat.

“Okay, sounds good. It’s Saturday, so I’m off.”

“Good, I’ll walk you out to your car.” He told her as he carefully lifted the seat and followed Sarah out the door. Once they reached the car Sarah took the baby seat and strapped it in tightly before sitting down in the driver’s seat and starting up the car so the heater would turn on.

“I’m proud of you. You’re a tough girl.”

“It’s not so bad.”

“Well I doubt I know anyone who would handle this as well as you do. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Drive safe Mama bear.”

“I will.” She told him as she shut her door and set her car in reverse and made her way home.

It was nearing eleven by the time she had Kaden asleep and finally got herself into bed. She was exhausted and was looking forward to having the next day to spend with her son.


“So what did you all do last night?” Zack asked the guys as they all sat around the room, they were supposed to be practicing, but currently they were all sitting in the room talking about stuff. Nothing that was too important, just what they have done since they had gotten home yesterday morning.

“Barbecue at Rian’s.” Alex replied as he strummed mindlessly on the acoustic guitar that he had in his lap.

“Well gee thanks for the invitation, it’s not like I was doing anything last night.” Zack replied back, a little agitated that the others had left him out of their activities.

“You wouldn’t have wanted to be there Zack,.” Rian spook up from his stool that set by his drum set.

“Why not?” He asked back, his attitude was evident.

“Because Sarah and your son were there.” Rian replied “She is doing fine by the way. And She named him Kaden Conner. He looks just like you. Not that you care.” He added before he stood up and left the room, bored of sitting there and not really doing anything. His dislike for Zack had grown even greater once he had met the small baby that Zack had turned his back on. And he was angry with him for not supporting Sarah.
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