Status: New! :)

Why I'm Home


“Hello?” Sarah answered her cell phone as she tried to continue pushing the baby stroller along through the mall one handed. She had a day off today and was perfectly content spending it with just her and Kaden.

“Hey, whats up?”

“Well nothing really, me and Kaden are at the mall getting a little shopping done. We’re getting ready to go meet mom for lunch downtown if you wanna come along with us.”

“Can’t, we have an afternoon band practice tonight. I was actually calling to see if you would maybe come along with me and the guys to dinner and a movie tonight?”

“What time?”

“We were thing dinner at eight and a nine forty-five showing?”

“Well let me see how the day goes and see what kind of mood the baby is in, I wouldn’t want to leave him in a crabby move with mom for the night.”


“I’ll give you a call in a couple hours or so.”

“Alright, I’ll talk to you soon. Bye.”


"Hey girlie, how has your day been so far?”

Sarah sat Kaden’s seat down on the booth then slid in next to him, he had fallen asleep on the way over to the restaurant and Sarah wasn’t ready for him to be up from his nap just yet. “Good, I got Kaden some clothes and a few things for me to wear to work.”

“Oh that’s nice.”

“Yeah, do you have anything planned for tonight?”

“Nothing that I know of, why?”

“Rian and the guys wanted me to go out to dinner and then catch a movie with them after wards. I told them I would ask, Kaden will probably already be asleep before I even leave.”

“Sure, you go out and have some fun for once, I can’t remember the last time you took a night to yourself.”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course I’m sure, go have fun.”

“Okay, I’ll send Rian a text and let him know I’ll go. What have you been up to today?” She asked her mother as she began to type out her text message to Rian letting him know that she was good to go for the night and that she would meet them at the restaurant later that night.

“I just did a little cleaning around the house. Zack’s mom called while you were out?”

“What did she want?” Sarah began to feel uncomfortable. She had no idea why they would call, they haven’t had a thing to do with either of them since they came to see Kaden after he was born in the hospital.

“She has some things she wants to give Kaden, some clothes and things.”

“I wish she would leave us alone.”

“Sarah, just because Zack doesn’t want anything to do with you two doesn’t mean his parents don’t want to be a part of his life. He is their Grand baby, I can’t imagine not being able to see Kaden everyday.” Her mom told her as she picked up her drink.

“It’s just gonna make Zack mad, and he’ll think it was all my idea.”

“Well it’s a good thing this isn’t about Zack, it’s about Kaden. I told her to come by tomorrow evening after you get off work. I can understand you holding hurtful feelings towards Zack, but don’t punish his parents too by denying them their Grandson.”