Status: New! :)

Why I'm Home


Sarah reached her hand up and rubbed her temple, this was all giving her a headache.

“Wanna go down to the vending room and get a snack while we wait?” Her mother and father came up behind her and asked as her mom took the wuiet baby from her arms.

“Yeah. He’s probably wanting a bottle now too.” She told them as she noticed her phone light up with a new text message. ‘how is everything going?’ She quickly replied telling John it was a nightmare and she just wanted it to be over already, and too much time after that he replied telling her he was sorry and wished he was there for her. The two of them had become sort of close over the past month, they talked or text one another at least once a day just to touch base and see how the other was doing.

“You shouldn’t worry so much.” Her dad told her as the four of them made their way down the hall towards the vending machines. She was relieved to see that there was a microwave and a table in the small room. She set her diaper bag down and started rummaging through it looking for the conaster of formula she had packed in it earlier this morning, once she found it she mixed it in with the water and set it in the microwave for a few seconds just to get hot enough. Once she had tested the temperature on her wrist she handed the bottle over to her mom so she could feed Kaden while she held him.

“It’s kind of hard not ot. I’m worried for him. What if Zack gets what he wants? Three days here four days there four days here three days there, that’s not a home.. He shouldn’t have to live like that. He’s nowhere even old enough to understand any of this.”

“It’ll all work out baby doll.” And all she could do was hope so.

Not too much time later she was sitting back at her spot in the front row of seating in the same court room she was in an hour before waiting for the outcome.

“At this time I believe the best thing for baby Kaden is to stay in the custody of his mother. However, Mr. Merrick will get a weekend a month, every other holiday, and six weeks out of the summer months. This is to be put into action immediately starting with the following weekend. This case is to be reopened and reevaluated once the child has reached school age. Courts dismissed.” He said as he pounded his gavel on the desk top.
Sarah felt herself breathe out the breath she hadn’t noticed she had been holding. She quickly turned to her lawyer and thanked him.

“You’re welcome. I’ll be in touch in the coming weeks to get your child support rolling.” She groaned at the thought of more legal issues she was going to have to deal with. ”This won’t need to be taken to court unless he refuses.”

“Okay, thanks again, for everything.”

“My pleasure. Enjoy the rest of your week.”

Two days later Sarah and Kaden were making their way up the steps that were all to familiar to Sarah, she was nervous about this weekend. The longest she has ever had to leave him was eight hours while she was at work. And here she was handing him over to Zack for the whole weekend. The whole idea of this was making her sick to her stomach. She knocked on the door and patiently waited for him to answer the door and let her in. Once he opened the door she walked past him and into the living room and set the car seat on the ground, only to have to lift it right back up as the dogs came running into the room. She quickly set the seat on the couch and knelt down to pet the dogs “Look at how big my two babies are.” She baby talked to them as she pet them, she hadn’t realized how much she missed them until now. They were after all her first babies.

A few minutes later she stood back up straight and turned her attention to Zack, “He eats every couple hours, so if he gets fussy that’s probably why. Bottles and formula are in the bag, make sure to heat it up, but not too hot. I packed tons of clothes in his bag so what ever you don’t use just leave here so I don’t have to pack a huge bag each time. My home phone, cell phone, as well as my mom’s cell phone are on a piece of paper in his bag, don’t hesitate to call. Please, anything, anytime, I’ll answer. Just remember he is a baby, and don’t get mad at him. If her gets to be too much call me and I’ll come pick him up. He’s gonna wake up like three times in the middle of the night wanting to be fed or changed.”

“Alright I got it.”

“Are you sure you wanna do this? It’s a lot of work taking care of him.”

“I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

“It’s not you I’m worried about.” Sarah walked over to the car seat that was sitting on the couch and picked the small infant up from his carrier seat. “Mommy loves you and I will see you bright and early on Sunday.” She told him before she placed multiple kisses on his chubby cheeks. “You can call anytime.” She told him one last time as she handed Kaden over to him and headed for the door to leave. She couldn’t keep the tears away as pulled out of Zack’s driveway and headed for Rian’s house. It was odd to her to not have to lug around a car seat with her.

“I already miss him.” she told Rian as the two of them were sitting in his living room searching for something to watch on the television. “You should go spy on them for me.” She told him as she flipped her phone open and shut. She didn’t realize how boring this weekend would be now that she didn’t have a baby to look after every second of the day. No diapers to change, bottle to make, clothes to wash, she literally had nothing to do so she figured she would waste sometime over at Rian’s house to hang out with him and Alex.

“I’m sure they’re both fine, he’s hardly been there even three hours yet. You need to chill out, Zack will call if anything goes wrong.” Sarah looked over at him and rolled her eyes. She knew he was right, Zack would call if he needed help, but knowing that still didn’t make her worry any less than she was. She couldn’t help but wonder what the two of them were doing.

“Max and duke were huge when I saw them.”

“Those two dogs are beasts, I bet you miss them.”

“I do.”

“Heyo baby mamma!” Alex yelled as he made his way into the living room where she and Rian were still sitting. “Where’s little man at?”

“Zack’s.” She told him as she let out a bored sigh.



“I wonder how that’s going…”

“You and I both.” She replied as she stood up off the couch and headed towards the kitchen to refill her glass of water she was drinking from.

“Lets go out for dinner.” Rian called up as he stood up from the couch and stretched. “I’m starving.”

“Okay.” And with that the three of them loaded up into Rian’s car and made their way across town.