Status: done baby!

Liquid Smoke


Alice Janette Lyfield is a dirty bitch

She laughed. Coming closer to the mirror, she smelt the disgusting cranberry Body Shop lipstick that the pretty girls wore. She felt a small wave of nausea overcome her.
She lay in the bathroom, ignoring the bell that meant I had to report for my next exam. She never liked geography, anyway. After the first fifteen minutes of doing nothing in the mangy girls bathroom, She fell asleep, the sick drip, drip, drip of the toilets in her ears.

She woke up to the shrill bell, indicating that school was over.

That was when she saw her again. She was standing by a tree near the school, sucking on her cancer stick like a child its bottle.

Her tormentor of three years.

But today was different; you see, today, there was a plan.

She never forgave her

She would never forget the things she did.

The many hours spent waiting in the sterile silence, just to waste her time with the shrieking headmistress. The painful, disappointed looks her mother gave her, the incessant ringing of the harsh words that haunted her ears. The public slander, the humiliation. The times she spent, looking in the mirror, wondering how and why she was still alive. The way her father’s voice faltered every time he screamed at her, like he wanted to cry. Every damn time. The girl, who was currently throwing away some minutes of her life with an astonishing ease, she had ruined everything.

The monster inside her laughed to think that it would finally come to a close.

The human begged her not to, in spite of it all.

The monster pushed the human down, with the happy memories of Sunday school, where nobody judged her. All that was left was the pain, the bitterness, the resentment.
She was going to get rid of it.

All because of one little secret.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry this is very short, but this is where I needed this chapter to end.
Just on a side-note: each chapter alternates between the POV's of the two girls.
This is important to avoid later confusion ^^