Status: The story is no longer being written. Feel free to take the content and make it your own, as long as you give me and Alyssa credit :)

Back to Life...for Death?


The Nineteenth Century

"I love you, Annabelle," he whispered softly into my ear. I held his hand tightly.
"Will you go?'' I asked him. He nodded. Tears welled in my eyes an eventually fell to the floor. The small light from the candle shone behind his back. "William?" I whispered.
"Yes?" He asked.
"Don't leave me," I pleaded before I fell to my knees, covering my teary eyes with my hands, sobbing.
"Sorry," he answered. He sat down in front of me, and moved my hands away from my face.
Then our lips met, softly parting, fitting to each-other. My fingers ran through his dark hair, as he held me close. But still, little by little, I lost the feeling of his cold body against my own.
A single, cold tear, landed on my warm cheek.
"Good bye."


The tears slowly ran down my cheeks, but I emitted no sound. I looked at his body lying there, perfectly still. Lifeless. Little by little, I came to my senses. The harsh reality of what I had just done, dawned on me.
The knife fell out of my hand, landing with a clatter on the ground, and sending droplets of red flying. I stepped closer to him, reaching out to place my hand on his chest. The blood touched my skin, soaking in. There was a pool of the stuff surrounding his body - I could feel it through my feet.
"I killed him," I whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
That's the prologue. I think I made it interesting enough, so you'll keep on reading.
I just have to note: I won't be updating much. I need a push for that.
I'm really lazy, and I'm getting distracted fast, so if YOU don't kick my ass, you'll get a chapter in six months time :)
Welcome my editor:
MistressOfInsanity (Alyssa: Hello everyone *waves* um, basically I'm editing this because Annabelle is translating from Hebrew, which is quite impressive, but there are a few mistakes. So yeah.)
She has a kickass story herself, so be sure to read it ^^ Dead at 15
Well, that's it ^^ Let's talk sometime?
Annabelle Elynor.