Status: The story is no longer being written. Feel free to take the content and make it your own, as long as you give me and Alyssa credit :)

Back to Life...for Death?

Chapter One: part three

The twenty-seventh of July 1828

"William, my dearest William. It has been a year since you've gone. It has been so hard without you but I still love you, the same as I did for the time in which you were alive," I whispered to his grave.

I poured water on the roses I had planted there the previous night. They were his favorites -black and purple. I smiled weakly.
"How are you there? Do you miss me?" I asked the headstone, "I miss you, so, so much." These visits were now routine. Every day I came to his grave, and talked.

Most of the time I didn't say much, talked nonsense when I did talk, to avoid more painful topics, but today, I had to say everything that had come to mind over the past year. I told him about my everlasting love for him, about the beautiful night sky, the full moon shining, the thick clouds covering it. I told him about the winter that already passed, and about the beautiful flowers that were blooming already. I told him about our rose garden, and about his favorite ones. "They are blooming beautifully, as if they don't know that you are gone, forever. After all, they are plants but I can't help but think that they are doing their best, so that you will return."

The last thing I told him, was about his funeral. About the man I met there. "His hand was so unnaturally cold. It scared me a little. His touch reminded me of you though, gentle. It just made everything so much harder when I realized that though," I said, looking back on the memory. The oh so painful memory...

It wasn't an ordinary day today, far too cold for the middle of the summer. But the temperature lowered even further. I turned my gaze to the sky, watching as the dark clouds moved across the inky expanse.
"It will snow tonight," I murmured, "how peculiar? Is it not pleasant though? The frozen, white snow flakes against the skin. The chills from the sudden cold..." I continued, as the snow started falling. "You always loved it, William. I still do," the words flew from my mouth, without my brain fully processing it.

I smiled, blinking heavily to stop myself from crying. I then stood up to leave. I wanted to get home before it got even more arctic. I turned around and began brushing off dirt from my dress but then froze in surprise.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another short part. I'm not doing too well, huh? However, I did write alot of it but ended up cutting it down, that was my edit ^^
A preview of chapter 2, one of the parts:
''Are you scared of something?'' He asked.
''Ah? No...just the usual crazy pop-ups in my mind,'' but it was a lie.

Annabelle <3
All edited :) I couldn't really fill it out, my apologies - Alyssa.