Status: rockin the key board!

Open Minds

He knows, she knows

That night when I heard dad’s voice, I talked to him. He asked me how Neil and I are doing, he also told me that he knew I had this gift that has always been in his family for centuries and is passed on to the rightful person. He told me that I could see ghosts and many unnatural things and that I will always get more powers if I used how much I had already (like I hadn’t figured that out already). We talked for over half an hour and I was glad that now I know that I have someone that’s watching out for Neil and me.

After we said our good-byes, I got rid of the vampire’s body and made sure the girl was still alive, which she was because dad had instructed me on how to look after her before taking her to the hospital and before I talked to him. However, as dad left someone touched my shoulder. I was ready to attack whoever wanted to kill me but as I was turned around I was facing Dimitri.
“Who were you talking to?” he asked me very seriously.
“Oh shit!! You...that girl...she...” he started stammering.
“Yeah, she got bitten by a vampire.” I finished for him.
“Then what are you standing here for, aren’t you scared you might get bitten by another vampire and where is the vampire that bit her? Nirali, you need to get out of here.” he said very quickly.
“Well, first I’ll answer your questions for you.” I told him. “Number one, I just saved this innocent girl from a blood sucker.” he actually cringed a bit when I said that and I could feel myself smirking. “Number two, no I’m not scared ‘cause I’m standing in front of a blood- sorry, vampire and number three, I killed the vampire and used my magic to get rid of his corpse body.”
“You, you know....what I am,” he said a bit sadly. I felt so bad for him because I know he didn’t choose to be the monster he is.
“Yes, I know. I’ll fill you in the details later, sometime, right now I need to get the girl to the hospital and go home. I’ll see you around.” I explained to him and then left, carrying the girl in my arms. She wasn’t very tall just about an inch shorter than be so it was easy.

When I got home I hadn’t quite realised how much my body hurt and how late it was, and there on the couch was Neil. He was sitting, waiting for me. As soon as I walked into the house he came running to me and gave me a big hug. He always did this to me when I was young after mum and dad had died. I used to call it the big bear hug.
“Ouch, Neil I’m hurt can you please not touch me. I’m in pain.” I told him.
“Oh, sorry, go get cleaned up and we’ll talk later.” he let go of me and looked at me with sorrow on his face.
“Thanks Neil and I have a lot to tell you.” I replied and walked to the bathroom.
I got dressed into my pjs and went to my room where I saw Neil sitting on my chair that was at my desk and he was playing on my guitar. I sat down on my bed and told him everything that had happened. When I got into bed it was about 2 a.m. I was so exhausted and in a lot of pain because even though I had killed the blood sucker he had cut me with his fangs, on my arm.

I woke up at the sound of some clattering in the kitchen. “Oh man, please tell me Neil is not cooking breakfast.” I prayed to whoever was listening to my prayer. I left Neil cook breakfast while I got ready. I walked into my wardrobe and chose a blue pair of skinny jeans, a red top with some writing and my black leather jacket that will hide all my bruises and the horrible cut on my arm. I put on some make up, heavy black eyeliner and some lip gloss, and then I walked to the kitchen to see what Neil had done so far with breakfast. It was actually surprising that he managed to make breakfast even though he had made a big mess. I guess this was our little celebration for my first kill. The last time we had something like this was when he had killed another vampire himself, as a wolf. I was the only person who knew that he was a wolf because he had told me that he had been bitten by one in the woods when he had gone camping with his friends. It had been five years ago when I got a phone call from the hospital. They told me that he had been bitten by some vicious animal and that he had lost a lot of blood. Since then I have loved him more than anyone because I had already lost my parents and I couldn’t stand losing my brother.
I had breakfast and thanked Neil for making it for me, and then I took off for school. When I arrived at school Shannon walked to me and gave me a hug.
“Ouch! Shanz, I’m hurt can you please be careful. I kinda got into a fight last night and I don’t wanna talk about it, plus don’t tell Taylah because she’s gonna want to know it in details and I just don’t want a recap of it, please.” I explained to her. It’s really easy for me to tell Shannon about these kinds of things because she doesn’t want to know every little detail about what happened all she cares is that you’re fine.
“Don’t worry, Nirali I’ll keep my lips sealed but you know she’s gonna find out. Anyways, are you okay though?” she asked me.
“Yeah, I‘m fine, just have a few cuts and bruises that’s all.” I replied while we walked into the building and towards our lockers, where we found Taylah with Kayne. We stood there in silence just watching her and Kayne. Was he hugging her? No, he was putting something in her locker now and they were so, so close. Oh my God. He’s walking away and Taylah is all red. Shannon gets this crazy idea of sneaking on her. So, we do and she actually jumps and screams as though she has seen a ghost. After we got the books we needed we headed off to health. Health was pretty fun because of Taylah’s massive fit but then later on, as the day passed last night’s fight kept coming back into my mind. I just couldn’t get it out.

During lunch I told Taylah and Shannon that I was going to go to the music room because I was having a bad day. Whenever I had a bad day I would occupy myself with some music in the music room. I sat on the piano and started playing and singing ‘No Air’. As I was singing suddenly I heard a male voice singing along with me. It was coming from behind me, near the door. The voice was getting closer but I kept singing. I stopped playing the piano and all of a sudden I saw someone else’s hands on the keys. I looked to the side and saw Dimitri. His lips were just an inch away from mine, and the next thing I know we are kissing.
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