Status: Revived.



It was closing time at Off Beat Records. I had been sorting records for Guillermo all day with a smile on my face. He was just the type of man I liked, very feminine looking and soft. I just couldn’t believe he was my boss. I’d never had such a pretty boss unless it was me, but that doesn’t mean anything.

Maybe he didn’t know that I knew, but I saw how he would get nervous and blush when I said something in my native tongue. I was guessing Guillermo liked men who spoke other languages. That would definitely work to my advantage.

“Anything else before you close?” I asked Guillermo. I had decided to stand right behind him when I did so. He jumped from my sudden noise and kind of fell back into me. “You’re a nervous one, aren’t you Guillermo?” I stood him back up.

“S-sorry, I just kind of got startled,” he said turning around. We weren’t eye level but very close. That’s another thing. Guillermo was very tall, like me. “Nope I think we’re good for the day, Gabe. Thank you.”

“No problema, man. I mean I do work for you now.” I gave him my best smile. He was just so pretty, with that long brown hair of his.

“True, so I’ll see you tomorrow?” he asked. He ran a hand through his lovely hair.

“Most definitely, Guillermo. ¿A la siete si?” I asked him. He was still so close to me.

“E-emm what?”

I laughed at his nervousness. “I asked if you wanted me here at seven,” I said.

“Y-yeah, that would be great.” William bit his lip.

“Adios Guillermo,” I said, exiting the store. I walked back to my place. Ryland had given me a key so I wouldn’t have to call him down. I had such a pep in my step as I jogged up the stairs to the apartment. “Lucy, I’m home,” I shouted into the apartment when I walked in. Ryland was sitting on the couch. “Pleasure, I got the job! And my boss is so pretty man!”

Ryland looked up at me and smiled. “That’s great, Gabanti! William, really? Well I guess he’s kinda of feminine looking. I thought he was a girl from behind because of his hair,” Ryland said, thoughtfully.

I took a seat next to him. “He’s just very pretty and soft just like how I like my women,” I said, trying to play it off smooth. In my head though, I was listing every pretty thing on Guillermo. “We should go out tonight and party. Think of it as celebrating me moving and getting a job!”

“Sounds good to me man. I haven’t partied in a while. Maybe Suarez is DJing somewhere tonight,” Ryland spoke.

“Yeah, I haven’t seen Suarez in a while. How’s he been?” I asked.

“He’s doing good and making his way around the DJ circuit. He’s not big yet, but he’s not unknown,” Ryland answered. He’d been good friends with Suarez since high school. They were the best of friends and even moved to the city together. Honestly, at first you would think they’re brothers, by how they act.

“Alright so I’m gonna go get in my party clothes,” I said, hopping off the couch. I was excited. Tonight I was going to dance the night away and maybe find someone I could bring back to the apartment. I was in serious need of some lovin’. It had been ages since I’d done anything with someone.

“Gabe’s a coming for you,” I said to myself, looking in the bathroom mirror. I stripped myself of my clothes and hopped into the shower. Tonight I was going to bake my cake and eat it too.

Uh Gabe!” some girl moaned beneath me. I had brought her home from the club and we had walked up the stairs in a tangle of limbs and tongues. I missed this. I missed this so much.

We were both just about on the edge. Everything was hot, sweaty, and sexy. “Aw babe, I’m coming,” I moaned. Screams sounded from the girl’s throat and I groaned. Then everything was at peace again. I rolled off the girl and reached out to grab my pack of cigarettes. I always had one after sex, never after any other time. I sat up and lit up.

I placed the cigarette between my lips and watched the girl get dressed. She was working on her dress as I blew out rings of smoke. She was a pretty, fiery blonde with an ass that would knock you out if you got in her way. She didn’t have much at the top, but I still worked with it. Not to lie, the sex was kind of, dare I say it, boring.

“Maybe I’ll see you again, Gabe,” she said, putting on her heels. She grabbed her bag and opened my door. “You know how to make a woman feel amazing.” She then walked out and closed the door.

I stuck my ear out and waited to hear the front door shut. When it did I let out another ring of smoke. Nothing could beat a good fuck. I stayed in bed with my blankets up to my waist as I puffed away at the cancer stick. Having sex again was a release. I was way over due for it anyway. I went six months without it and now everything was at peace again with my body. Yet this time there wasn’t as much of a thrill. Sure the girl was hot and she knew what to do, but there was just something missing. There was an element that just didn’t light of the sparks. That’s when my mind began to wander.

I wondered if Guillermo was good in bed. With those pretty little hips of his, I thought I could do some damage to him if we ever got in bed together. He just looked so soft and pleasant. Honestly if I could would have him. ‘Who said you couldn’t have him?’ my mind threw back at me in question. I agreed with it. Who did say I couldn’t have little Guillermo? He seemed the type to like men. Yet I couldn’t help but think that he’d be more into guys like Ryland instead of me. Ryland didn’t like men or anything like that, but if Guillermo had to choose I bet he would have chosen Ryland. Ry is just laidback like him.

But Guillermo could warm up to me. He really could. He was shy and stuttered, but I could make that all go away couldn’t I? I could push away his stutter and make him come for me, in more ways than one. I could hold him by his magnificent hips and we could dance. Oh how we could dance! If he doesn’t dance, I could teach him. Hell I could make his hips as honest as Shakira’s and that’s some serious hip motion.

I took out the almost finished cigarette out from between my lips and put it out. I sunk back into bed and returned my thoughts back to Guillermo. He was just so lovely looking. I wanted to just wreck him and see him at his most natural. Most natural being him naked beneath me screaming for me. Was it wrong for me to think of my boss in such a manner? I think not.
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Sorry for the long delay. I was working on two contest stories that held me up. I don't know when to be expect the next chapter. I'll be trying my hardest to work on this between finishing summer reading, and volleyball pre-season. Thank you for sticking with me! Comments are golden!