Sequel: Traveling Backwards
Status: Finished. You guys were awesome<3

You Just Broke Every Stereotype

Zoning Out

We live in hell? It just sank in. Since when is hell a tourist attraction? Can people just decide to up and leave and head for hell? I’m pretty sure I lived on Earth before my parents died. It just didn’t make sense. Unless… I died with them? No. That’s crazy. My uncle must be the devil or something. That would make more sense. But then again—
“Jaydee? Earth to Jaydee… WOMAN!” yelled Micah in my ear.
“WHAT!” I yelled back.
“Geez. No need to be rude! But you’ve been staring into nothingness for like five minutes.”
“Sorry. I just don’t understand how we are in hell? Since when do humans live in hell?”
“We aren’t human, remember? Way to keep up,” added Wolf, joining our conversation.
“But I’m human.” I stated.
“Are you?”
“Am I?”
“I asked you first.”
“I’m pretty sure I’m human.”
“Then you are.”
Umm okay. Well I’m officially confused. My thoughts started reeling again.
“Jaydee! God, woman. Can you stay with us for like one minute without zoning out?” complained Wolf.
Wolf just looked at me with a puzzled face.
“Well. Get up. Because you and me are going for a walk.”
“Says who?”
“Says me.”
“I’m not going anywhere with just you. I’m not going unless Micah or Dimitri or Lurk comes.”
“Why not Ryder?”
“I dunno. I’m entitled to my choices.”
“Fine. Lurk, come on. We’re going for a walk.”
Lurk looked up from his book with a WHAT THE HELL look on his face. I hadn’t even noticed that he was sitting in the corner.
“You heard me. Come along.”
“Fine,” Lurk said quietly.
“Grab a jacket, you guys. It’s cold out there,” said Micah.
I walked out the front door and was greeted with a freezing blow of air. I looked around me. Dead trees, snow, dark sky. Leaves on the ground , dead grass covering the dirt. No demons, no fire, no lake of sulfur, no devil, no fallen angels. How in the world could this be hell? It just didn’t make sense. Nothing made sense.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's been like a month!
Sorry. My fault :)
Ummm this chapter is a lot like the one before it..
Just wait till the next one haha xD