Sequel: Traveling Backwards
Status: Finished. You guys were awesome<3

You Just Broke Every Stereotype

One Second

When we got back to the house, I slammed the door shut before Wolf could get in. Wolf the vampire. He can get in on his own. Lurk had been in front of me and he wasn't so bad. He didn't talk. Which meant he didn't yell.
"Someone's hostile." said Ryder.
"You probably don't even know what hostile means." I said sharply, before opening the refrigerator. Of course. Nothing but blood.
"What the hell was that for?!" asked Wolf, walking in the door.
"What the hell what all that for." I glared at him.
"What are you talking about... crazy bitch." he muttered the last part under his breath, so naturally, being the crazy bitch I picked up a knife and threw it at his face. To bad, he is fast and caught it.
Not only could I see the rage in his eyes, I felt it.
"Go to your room..." said Wolf harshly.
"I am not a child! You can't treat me like that!"
"I SAID GO TO YOUR ROOM!" He yelled, the knife still in his hand, this time, I listened.
I looked in my mirror, staring at myself. No I was not self absorbed, quiet the opposite. I felt worthless. I was siting in a house of vampires. Maybe that Kaige guy was right. I was just a slut. But sluts are actually pretty aren't they? I looked my self up and down and hated what I saw. Ugly. Fat. Whore. I wanted to die. But that would mean I would go to hell... Oh look. I am already one step ahead. I hated this.
Something new appeared in my mirror though. Not something, someone. Kaige?
"Such a pretty face. I don't understand why he yelled at you like that. It really isn't fair..." he said, I just glared. I wanted to scream, but I wasn't stupid. He was closer then anyone who would want to help me... oh wait. No one. "I am sorry for how I acted... I hadn't eaten yet and I get a little grumpy...Honestly. I am sorry." he eyes looked honestly sorry. I kind of felt bad. "Do you forgive me? I am not a bad person honestly, if anything it's these guys... all they probably want from you is your blood."
"I guess..."
I heard a knock on my door.
"They wont be happy I am here... but you want me here right...?" I felt dazed, almost sleepy. "Come with me..." he held out his hand, which I took. "You wont get hurt..."
"Jaydee?" I heard Wolf call from outside of my room. I could feel Wolf. He was... calm. But then... then he was angry again.... "Jaydee, I swear... let go of his hand right now! Look away!" He yelled at me from behind the door. How did he...
"Because he bit you, you have a bond now... it's hard for you to get over him, but he can get over you once something new comes. But I wont leave you Jaydee. Just come with me.
"Jaydee. Open the fucking down now!" Wolf yelled. Anger.
"Why would you listen to him when all he does is yell and get mad at you. Come on Jaydee...." I took a step towards him.
One second. That's all it took. One second that I looked away to the door and the trance was broken. But one second was all it took for the skin on my neck to be broken. One second for me to scream bloody murder. One second for Wolf to break down the door. One second for me to be bitten by a vampire... again.
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Lalallala. Finally a chapter!!! :P
Enjoy :D
Silent Readers Loved :)