Sequel: Traveling Backwards
Status: Finished. You guys were awesome<3

You Just Broke Every Stereotype

Lemon Juice

"I'm going to kill Wolf." I muttered under my breath as I scrubbed his blood stained shirt. I was here alone, not sure why though. I just woke up and everyone was gone. Since I was so bored, is some how decided that I would be nice and clean for them.
I felt someone come up behind me and wrap their arms around my waist and put there face on my neck, in the loving way, not like I'm going to eat you way.
They didn't say anything, just held me, so I didn't mind and I kept trying to scrub it out.
"Vampire blood comes out with lemon juice." They mumbled into my neck.
"Thanks." I mumbled, not really paying attention.
"No problem sweet heart." something was off. Was it the height? Hair? Voice... definitely the voice.This wasn't Wolf. This wasn't Ryder. This wasn't Dimitri. This wasn't Lurk. This wasn't Micah. My body went rigid. "Oh that's to bad, we were playing such a fun game." I could feel his fangs come against and poke my neck.
I couldn't speak, I didn't know what to do. Maybe at school they'll have a new class just for me. 'How To Defend Yourself From A Vampire That Is Trying To Eat You.' I feel like that would be helpful.
"Awww are you a little shy?" I winced when he bit down on my neck. It wasn't extremely painful, but it definitely wasn't amazing either. "Wanna play hard to get? That's alright darling, I love games."

~~Wolf's POV~~

"What the fuck...?" I muttered, touching my neck.
"You alright?" asked Dimitri.
We were sitting in the front office. We were trying to get our schedules worked out. Each of us had to pick one class at least we wanted to have with Jaydee and then two of us would have two classes with her so she would never be alone with crazy boy vampires. It probably would have been a good idea to take her, but we aren't that bright.
"No, my neck." I started rubbing it, but the pain kept getting worse. "My god, this hurts."
"What kinda pain is it?" asked Dimitri.
"It feels like I'm getting stabbed almost. I mean, it's bearable." Then it went away as quickly as it had come. I took my hand away from my neck. I guess I was to busy to realize that the guys were all staring at me. We weren't all best friends, but since we've been living together we have definitely gotten closer. Jaydee has also made us be more caring so I guess that has a lot to do with it.
"Jaydee." Lurk muttered, it was barely hear able and if Jaydee had been here, she wouldn't even have heard it.
It took all of two seconds for it to click. "Mrs. Jones, we'll be back, we forgot some forms." I said quickly, running out of the office, quickly followed by Micah, Dimitri, Lurk and Ryder.


"Shit, Jaydee." I ran over to her. She was lying on the floor next to some clothes that were now blood filled. Lemon juice should get that right out. When I picked her up she was barely conscious and it seemed hard for her to breath.
"Jaydee, can you hear me love?" asked Micah as I sat down on the couch with her. She whimpered slightly.
"Get me some blood." Dimitri told Lurk, who did what he asked and quickly. "Make her drink some."
"What will this do?" I asked. Dimitri rolled his eyes.
"Maybe if you paid attention in school you'd know that vampire blood and some stuff they put in these drinks is like a morphine mixed with healing stuff for a human, especially girls. I don't know about you, but I don't exactly want her drinking from me at this point. So blood drink is the better option."
"Why especially girls."
"Just give this to her!" he handed it to me. "They don't know, it just is more effective. I guess like how alcohol goes through them faster because they are smaller, but that's a guess."
"Come on Jaydee." I said, trying to get her to drink some, but I didn't want her to choke.
"It's gonna take a little while for it to work through her system, but I think she'll be fine." Dimitri said, brushing hair away from her face.
"Does anyone know why she's here in the first place? Like in hell?" I asked.
Only Lurk nodded.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally a chapter!!! :D
I didn't have a chance to check for spelling and grammar! I apologize!!
Thank you all for the comments :)
Silent Readers loved <3
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