Sequel: Traveling Backwards
Status: Finished. You guys were awesome<3

You Just Broke Every Stereotype

Don't Assume

~~Still Wolf's POV~~

"Well is she dead or something? Don't only dead people come to hell?" asked Ryder.
"Ryder... when was the last time you saw a dead person walking around." I asked him.
"But... are vampires dead?"
"You act like you haven't been a vampire all your life! We don't have a heart beat! That doesn't make us dead!"
"Oh yeah... but that makes humans dead!"
"No, that sends humans to another world that worse than Earth, way worse. It's so sad to think they can't appreciate it while they have it." Dimitri said.
"Then what's hell!"
"For the underworld people like us. Who never die, we just keep living and advancing... well unless we get killed of course. But then you go... well... I actually don't know. I don't have every answer alright."
"This is so confusing. It's like school... but not in pretty pictures." Ryder put his head into a pillow.
"Back on topic... why is Jaydee here." asked Micah, picking up the bottle from next to her and putting it in the trash.
"Her family died."
"No really..."
"No, they are dead and staying dead and going to the next world." Lurk muttered.
"Car accident."
"But humans have never come to the under world. What makes her so special." asked Ryder.
"I don't know... honestly, I didn't even know humans could get here without bursting into flames. But I mean, her uncle is here. That's the only reason she is here."
"So just because her uncle is here that makes her so high and mighty? Plenty of people in the human world and related to people here, they just don't know it."
"She was saved more or less."
Ryder shuttered and looked around like we had just told him something strange, which we did. "Saved... she was saved? Maybe I'm wrong, but everyone in this room has pointy fangs in their mouth ready to easily kill her in two seconds. How is she being saved."
"From the next world. Hell is better than that. Read the freaking fairy tales Ryder! I would figure you would." said Lurk, but still pretty quiet. "In this world, only one human is ever going to be able to get over. In the entire history and they get to stay here and be some type of prophet almost. That human has to be 'saved' by the person who has the power to. Only a few vampires do and they have to choose one person. I guess they chose her. That's only a fairy tale, but it's probably true." Lurk shrugged.
"That's stupid. What good will that do in our world?" asked Micah.
"I don't know. We wont get told everything and honestly, we probably shouldn't even assume she is human." Lurk stating turning on the tv, a sign that this conversation was over.

~~~Jaydee's POV~~~

"...we probably shouldn't even assume she is human." I thought I heard Lurk say, but it was so soft that I really had to listen. \
I just forgot about it, assuming they weren't talking about me and went back to sleep.
My dreams got the best of me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Anorexia - Just Breathe
True Story - No One's Listening
Band Love (Original Fic) - Remember Me?
And just because our updates have been slow and kinda short... (most mine) that does NOT mean we have stopped writing :D Stay tunned for more from tdg-addict.
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