Sequel: Traveling Backwards
Status: Finished. You guys were awesome<3

You Just Broke Every Stereotype


The minute I stepped out of the car, Micah was standing next to me, helping me with my bag, even though it was small.
“Hi, I am Micah Greenly. You must be Jaydee. Welcome to Master’s Boarding School. I hope you like it here.” He smiled at me.Micah had a fedora hat on with dark hair covering his eyes. He had really tight skinny jeans on and high-top converses. I couldn’t tell what his eye color was though.
“Yes, I am Jaydee.” I smiled at him and we started to walk to well, I guess our room. “So, Micah, how come I am with all guys in my room? I mean, I know you are reason number one, but still.”
“Reason number one? And because this is an all boys boarding school silly! One of the reasons why you can’t be alone. Who knows what could happen.” I stopped walking. A what?
The snow continued to fall around me and I stared at Micah, wide eyed and mouth dropped. I didn’t realize we would be in god knows were freezing land so I wasn’t wearing a jacket.
“All boys?” I asked.
"Yup. Guessing you didn’t know. Hmpf. Well now you do. Come on, you have to meet our new roommates. They are new to me too; we were put in the same room this year just for you.”
“So I heard…” I mumbled and kept walking. I guess I should be more mad no one told me about the all boys things. But then again, I was still a girl and I still like to look at nice things.
“ So I am reason number one eh? What did he say?” Micah asked me after a long awkward silence.
“Yea, you are reason one. Kind and caring. My uncle figured that would be useful.” I shrugged.
“Right… well, we are here.” Said Micah, placing a key into the door, opening it.
The ‘dorms’ were like one floored, really long, row houses. Kind of like a town house, except one leveled. When Micah opened the door it was like opening the door to a regular house. It was absolutely beautiful inside. Kind of dark, but then again, it was dark outside so that probably added to the effect.
“Hey Lurk.” Said Micah to a guy sitting on the couch, watching TV. Right, the quiet one. “This is Jaydee.”
“I know who she is.” He said, barely loud enough for me to hear him.
“You get used to him.” Said Micah before walking me into the kitchen to see a guy taking a bite of a sandwich, practically shoving it into his mouth.
“That’s Ryder. Ryder, this is Jaydee.”
“Right right! The human chicky!” said Ryder, mouth full of food. Human chicky? “Hi, welcome to our new house, home, dorm, place to live thingy.
“Your reason number four.” I said, a little weirded out by the guy.
“Ah, what did the dear old headmaster say about me?” asked Ryder, swallowing.
“He said you were… hyper and would keep me happy.”
“Hyper, eh? I am not hyper. I am boring impaired.” Micah rolled his eyes.
“Is anyone else home?” Micah asked.
“Ummm no, Wolf is… out… exploring… and the other one, Dimitri, is doing something or other.” Ryder shrugged.
“Thanks for the help.” Micah turned to me.
“Where are we exactly?” I asked. I mean, it was cold and dark. Not a lot of hints.
Ryder dropped his knife on the ground and mumbled a sorry and Micah turned pale, if that were possible for him.
“Russia.” Said Lurk. “We are in Russia.” He said it quietly and with no emotions but it gave the other ones time to save themselves from embarrassment.
“Russia?” asked Ryder. “Oh! You mean Russia! The cold place. The one that turns dark at night time. The one that used to be U.S.S.R. right. Russia.” He mumbled the last part, picking up his knife.
♠ ♠ ♠
Russia... hmmm