Sequel: Traveling Backwards
Status: Finished. You guys were awesome<3

You Just Broke Every Stereotype


"Jaydeeeee!" Ryder stood in my doorway. His annoying voice broke the silence I was enjoying.
"What." I answered coldly.
"Me and the guys are gonna go pick up some dinnerrrr. Wolf will be here but what do you wantttt?"
"I don't care, get me whatever you think I'd like."
"Human fooddd, got ittt."
I closed the door behind him and went back to the book I was reading for school. The second day had just ended and I was already up to my neck in homework. But I had to admit, the vampire book weren't too bad. They were almost... interesting. It was kinda cool to learn about how vampires originated and why they were all damned to hell. I stumbled across a subtitle that grabbed my attention-- Humans in Hell. But of course, before I could read any further, I heard a knock.
"Jaydee?" I heard Wolf's muffled voice from the other side of the door. He sounded concerned.
"Yeah? Door's open..." I told him as I marked my page in the book and sat it on my bed.
Wolf walked in clutching his wrist. He looked more pale than normal, if you can imagine. Blood was pouring from his arm. He looked at me desperately.
* * * * *
"Oh my god, Wolf! What the fucking hell did you do?!" I exclaimed, running to look at his wrist. He leaned against the doorframe and slowly sank down.
"I... don't know... why..." he stammered.
"Why didn't I feel you doing this? I'm supposed to be able to feel the pain you feel, right?!"
"Can you just fucking help me?!"
"Yeah yeah okay yeah. Umm. Keep your hand on it and press down. Try to slow the blood flow... There's not much else I know to do then to wrap it up..." I said as I tore apart my room, looking for something to use as a compress. I looked down at my shirt. It was an old one, so I ripped off two inches or so from the bottom and tied it tightly around Wolf's wrist. I started feeling sick at the sight of all the blood. I sat down and tried to breathe while I tied the fabric
"You... Okay...?" Wolf asked as he flinched in pain.
"Yeah umm. Just the blood is uh... Making me feel kinda sick..." I felt a twinge in my stomach.
"Oh god. Hold on," I managed to say as I ran to the bathroom.
"Jaydee, I wouldn't--" Wolf started, but it was too late.
After puking a couple of times, I felt better. But it took me a little while to realize that I was smelling blood.
The sink... Was covered... In red.
I threwup again.
This is where Wolf must have slit his wrists... Good god that's a lot of blood... Was he really trying to kill himself? Why? Where do vampires even go if they die...
After regaining my composure, I flushed the vomit-filled toilet and returned to Wolf.
"Better?" he asked, still looking pale.
"Yeah, now um. We need to get you to a hospital or something..." I said, contemplating whether or not they would have hospitals in hell.
"No just... go get the little tube of orange liquid in the kitchen cabinet... By the sink..."
"Umm alright..."
I handed the liquid to Wolf, who took a tiny sip of it. He waited a few seconds and removed the bandage from his wrist.
"Woah Wolf what are you--" I started, but Wolf's wrists were perfect.
"...The fuck?"
"Don't ask me what it is... All I know is that it works..."
"...Why didn't you just go get that in the first place..."
"I didn't know if I could walk all the way to the kitchen... I felt really lightheaded just crossing the hall to your room..."
"Why did you do it Wolf."
"I'd rather not tell you."
"Wow. Okay. I'm gonna leave now," I said with a little more attitude than i meant. I closed my door, leaving Wolf outside. I could barely hear his voice, but I heard him say...
"Because you don't love me back, Jaydee. And thinking about that just makes me downright suicidal."
I stopped and sank down on the other side of the door. We sat there. Wolf on one side, me on the other. I couldn't stand the silence any more. My heart was aching.
"Wolf?" I said quietly, my voice cracking a little.
"Yeah?" he responded.
"I love you too."
♠ ♠ ♠
short-ish chapter sorryyy.
its been a fucking annoying few weeks.
school started and there's already drama and ughhh.
and i kinda avoided writing this chapter for a little because i hate love chapters ugh.
forever alone.
but sorry for my rant omg.
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