Sequel: Traveling Backwards
Status: Finished. You guys were awesome<3

You Just Broke Every Stereotype

Involved With A Vampire

"So, Jaydee..." my Uncle said. I was sitting in his office awkwardly. I had my first vampire high school experience when I was called down to the Dean's office and everyone did that childish thing and said I was in trouble. "How's school going."
"You know, it's pretty good."
"You like your teachers?"
"Yup..." another awkward moment.
"Since school just started and all I figured this would be a good time for this talk..." he paused. "Well, you see Jaydee, I just wanted to warn you of the dangers if you get.. uhm, uh, involved with a vampire."
"Listen, Uncle Alex, I appreciate your concern and all, but I don't think I'm going to get involved with any vampires here." I stood up and started to walk out of the room.
"Just be careful, you are very special and could do major damage to anyone that hurts you or hurts someone you love..."
"Sounds cliche enough, thanks." I muttered. My uncle just turned back to his computer screen, unphased that I didn't listen to him.
"Oh and Jaydee..." he called without looking up from the screen. I turned and looked at him from the door frame.
"All I want you to remember out of this is that when you're involved with a vampire, check your neck before you go out, especially when going to see your uncle."
Oh crap. I quickly walked out of his office and looked at my neck in the window outside his office. Sure enough, two fang marks were placed conveniently on my neck. If that's why he called me into his office, how did he know that I'd have a... whatever. I don't have time to worry about freaking vampire things. I walked back to my class. It was Vampires. Which in case you didn't know, is a class were I learn about the Vampire language. Apparently, vampires naturally know how to speak every language known to man, plus a vampire language... you could imagine why I'm failing this class.
"Nice of you to join us Ms. Alino. Lucky for you, class is almost over." as if on cue, the bell rung. "Finish the review. Test next class."
Micah had this class with me and we had lunch next with everyone. "Hey JayJay. I have to stop by the Library real fast, want to come with me."
"Sure, why not."
We walked to the library and Micah was going on about some dance we were going to have, but I honestly had no idea what he was talking about. When we got to the library I knew something was different, but I couldn't figure it out.
"I'm going to go return this book alright?" I told Micah as we went off onto do his own thing. When I got to the front desk a girl was there, she wasn't the same girl who had been here the entire year. She was actually young. Well, young looking. You never actually know how old a vampire is.
"How can I help you today?" she asked, turning around. She must have heard me approaching. "Oh, hey there. I wasn't expecting a girl." she laughed. "I was told there was a human here, but I was never told a girl.... I imagine that could cause some problems." Yeah, she was talkative. "I'm Jayleen." she said, sticking out her hand.
"Jaydee." I smiled.
"Wow, our names are so similar! That's so cool! We are one of the few girls here AND we have similar names. Man, that might get confusing for some people. Oh well. So, I'm new here. I'm taking the other ladies place. I don't know what her name is." Jayleen looked at her watch. "Welp, it's my lunch time." she said standing up.
"Hey, uhm, I have lunch now too, did you want to eat with me and my friends?" Wow, look at my being all outgoing.
"Oh thank you so much!! It's so nice of you to offer! Of course I will! I thought I was going to be a loser and eat all by myself. I mean, I guess it doesn't really matter since I work here, but still! yay!!"
"Come on, my friend Micah is just over there."


"Hey guys, this is Jayleen." I said, sitting down at the table. I didn't eat lunch, and really, no one else did either. They had their bottles of uhm, blood, but I normally just waited until I got back to our room. The only reason they really have lunch is to give everyone a break I guess. "Jayleen, this is Dimitri, Wolf, you already met Micah, Lurk and then..."
"Ryder. I'm Ryder." He interrupted.
"Yes, that's Ryder."
"Well, it's lovely to met you all. I work in the library." she smiled. She sat down next to me and Ryder and I was next to Wolf.
"So how was everyone's class?" I asked, to which Ryder started laughing hysterically at.
"Ryder... shut up." sneered Dimitri. "I swear, if you say anything." Ryder just kept laughing and then Jayleen started laughing just as hard.
"What is it???" asked Wolf.
"Here, here." laughed Jayleen, who started to rub her temples. Soon after, Wolf was laughing too.
"Guys, what's so funny?"
"Here I'll show..." Jayleen started to rub her temples when Ryder grabbed her hand.
"Lurk." said Wolf sternly.
"Oh. Sorry." said Jayleen, and Ryder took his hand down. Okay, that's weird.
"Anyone want to tell me what happened??" I asked.
"Dimitri almost drank O positive..." to which everyone started laughing really hard again.
"Still not seeing the funny part..." I said.
"Okay, see, every vampire is what you humans would call allergic to a certain type of blood, and when they drink it, they start seeing illusions. It's just funny to us." snickered Micah.
"Alright then...."

**Jayleen's Point Of View**

'Sorry Lurk. I didn't know.'
'It's fine. But it's useful to have someone around with a gift like yours. Just remember, I can put thoughts into people's mind, but Jaydee doesn't know about the whole powers things so for now, keep it on the down low.'
'No problem.'
♠ ♠ ♠
Incase you guys don't know, all the vampires have powers...
Jayleen can put pictures in peoples minds and see pictures in peoples mind but not words and such.
Lurk can put thoughts and hear your thoughts, but not pictures.
You will learn everyone else's soon :)
So yeah, the part that's in Jayleen's POV was all in her head with Lurk :P