Sequel: Traveling Backwards
Status: Finished. You guys were awesome<3

You Just Broke Every Stereotype

The First Drink

"JAYDEE!" Wolf's harsh voice immediately woke me up.
"What the hell do you want," I asked, half asleep and pissed off.
"Kaige is back."
"What do you mean, back? When did he leave...?"
"After he got bit he kinda just disappeared... Remember... But he's back."
As I gradually woke up, I noticed a wretched pain in my side. It got progressively worse as I became more aware of my surroundings. All of sudden it hit me full on.
"OW! What the fuck is that??" I screamed, clutching my side and curling into a ball.
"Thats just me, Jaydee... Sorry... You're feeling me again... Kaige and I got into a little fight."
"Jesus Christ, did he break all your fucking ribs or tear out your intestines or something?!" I yelled, shaking from the pain.
"No... Um... I'm going to go get you some painkillers or something, okay?" Wolf's tone had changed to one of concern. "I'll be right back."
He didn't come back. It seemed like I was lying there for hours.
My door creaked open and I strained my neck to see who it was.
It was Kaige.
"Miss me, bitch?"
I didn't say anything.
Kaige moved closer. He sat on my bed.
"What are you doing here."
"I need human blood. And no one was home. Couldnt have made it much easier sweetheart. Now be a good little bitch and come over here."
I tried to get up but my side was screaming in protest.
Kaige got closer to me. He grabbed my arms and held them down. Lucky for him, my hair was in a ponytail and my neck completely exposed.
His fangs seemed especially sharp.
I couldn't fight him. I had no power over him. I was helpless.
"Get. Off. Of. Her."
It was Jayleen's voice.
Kaige's eyes widened. He immediately got off of me.
"You should know better than that, Kaige. You know I get the first drink."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry this is so lateeeeee!
So.stressed.out. O.O
Meep. Love you guys.
Comments are cool.