Sequel: Traveling Backwards
Status: Finished. You guys were awesome<3

You Just Broke Every Stereotype


“Yeah, just imported from god knows where,” I heard Dimitri say. He was talking to Lurk in the kitchen while stirring one of those weird red protein shakes with a long spoon.
“Nice.” Lurk said, in the deepest voice I have ever heard. That was the only word I had even heard him say the whole time I’ve been here besides Russia, but I could barely hear him so it doesn't count.
I walked over to them. “I kinda want to try one of those. Can I?”
Dimitri’s eyes went wide. “No. That’s not a good idea. They’re really disgusting… and I don’t need you vomiting all over the floor.”
“I think I can take it. Just let me try.” I reached for Dimitri’s glass. He slapped my hand, and the glass crashed to the floor, leaving red gunk everywhere.
“WHAT WAS THAT?!” I heard Wolf yell from down the hall. Then I heard hard footsteps coming closer.
“Good job you guys,” I said, giving them both a glare.
“Oh God! Dimitri, clean this up!” Wolf yelled.
“Why me? Jaydee did it. She should clean it up. She’s the woman here anyway.”
“Excuse me?” I said. But I was ignored.
“She can’t clean it up. Think about it Dimitri! You’re supposed to be smart! Think about why these drinks are red.”
“Ohhh. Yeah, I’ll clean it up.” Dimitri immediately grabbed some paper towels and started wiping the floor. I swear, he got so close to the gunk I thought he was going to lick it.
“I don’t understand you guys…woah, why do I smell blood?” I asked. The smell was really strong. It made me nauseous.
“Um…” Wolf started. Dimitri cut in, but completely ignored my question.
“Jaydee! Micah made cookies. You want a cookie?” he asked, throwing away the dirty paper towels and grabbing a cookie off a plate.
“Do I look like a dog to you?”
“Do you want the damn thing or not?” Wolf asked me in a harsh tone.
“No! I want to know why the kitchen smells like blood.”
“Take the damn cookie, woman!”
“Why do I smell blood! Answer and I’ll take the frickin cookie!”
“Because… we ordered this foreign cologne that smells like blood. We didn’t know it smelled like this when we got it.” Dimitri chimed in.
“Well stop wearing it. Its making me sick.”
“Whatever you want, princess…” Wolf said sarcastically.
“Does he always have this attitude?” I asked Dimitri.
“Yeah, basically. You get used to it. Now eat your cookie.”
♠ ♠ ♠
eh. not my best.