Sequel: Traveling Backwards
Status: Finished. You guys were awesome<3

You Just Broke Every Stereotype

Brompton Cocktail

The only guy I haven’t really talked to yet is Lurk. I know he’s quiet, but I didn’t know any human could be THIS quiet. I decided I was going to make him talk. I wandered into his room and found him sitting on his bed, reading a book.
“Hey Lurk.” I said, sitting next to him.
“Whatcha reading?”
“What book?”
“This book.”
"Need something?" He asked, not looking up from his book.
"What, a room mate can't try to spend some quality time with her quiet and less annoying room mate?"
"Okay then." Well that was boring. I got up and headed for the kitchen. Because that’s where all the action seems to happen. I saw Ryder and Wolf mixing something up. Lovely, better not be one of those protein shakes because I am hungry and I will drink one if I have to.
“What are you guys making?”I asked.
“Brompton cocktail,” Wolf said, mixing powder into some weird looking tube.
“A what? That doesn’t look like a cocktail.”
“It’s not really. You don’t drink it. You inject it.”
“Oh. Why are you making them?”
“It’s a painkiller. I think it has morphine, cocaine, and a whole bunch of other drugs,” Ryder told me.
"Why do you guys even need a painkiller?" I asked.
"Why don't you need a pain killer?" asked Ryder.
"Because I am not in pain?"
"Well then. Have a little fun, it's not like you can get kicked out. You are the Dean's niece."
"Doesn't mean I wont go to jail."
"You can't go to jail in Hell Jaydee." Ryder rolled his eyes.
"But you can in Russia. Right?"
"Oh. Right in Russia. Umm sure."
"Wow. You guys are dumb.
"Yes they are." said Dimitri as he walked into the kitchen. "Oh! Is that a Brompton cocktail?"
I rolled my eyes him.
"Did I hear Brompton cocktail?!" asked Micah walking through the door. Does everyone like this except me?
“We just want to try it. Don’t be annoying princess. I think we can handle it.” Wolf stated. His voice was firm. At least he wasn’t yelling. I watched in disgust as they drugged themselves. I would laugh if they ended up passed out on the floor…
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