Status: Active!

It's Time to Forget, but I'll Always Remember


Chapter 10
I really couldn’t be bothered with form that morning, but I knew I couldn’t sneak off home like the day before; so I decided I’d just skip it and walk round the field for half an hour before first lesson.

Well I planned to go around the field anyway, but I’d let my mind wander and when that happens my feet wander to, so somehow I ended up outside the boys toilets. I probably should have remembered what happened in there last time and walked away; but it sounded pretty much silent in there and it wouldn’t be a bad hiding place.

Luckily I was right, no one was in there; but this is me we’re talking about here, so it wasn’t long before I heard voices outside that I wish I didn’t recognise.

“Capper, you alright mate? That guy was a bloody psycho!” It was Capper and his mates, they sounded angry. Really angry. Hang on, did he just ask Capper if he was alright?

“I’m fine, I’m not gonna let that fucking Grelle Michaelis get to me. He’s gonna regret it.”
Grelle...Oh God. They’re not gonna ever be able to get Grelle back, so they’ll probably go for the next best thing. If they see me I’m dead, and they’re coming in here.

I was in such a panic I couldn’t move, every part of me was telling me to run, but my legs just wouldn’t work. I could see the handle on the door moving, and that managed to trigger some movement as I darted into one of the cubicles to hide; it was too late, Capper walked in just as i was closing the door behind me. I was absolutely screwed.

“Guys could you leave me alone for a minute. I need to sort something out.” Capper said.

Oh great he’s getting rid of the witnesses. Of course they’re leaving, no questions asked. It’s like his own best mates are scared of him.

“Shorty, I know you’re in there. Get out before I force you out!” I don’t really have much choice do I, get beaten up out there, or get beaten up in here and out there.

I slowly opened the cubicle door to see Capper leaned casually against one of the sinks with his arms crossed. He didn’t look good at all; two black eyes, dried blood on his nose and his lower lip was split open. Grelle must have got him really bad. I almost felt...guilty, even though he was probably going to do a lot worse to me right now.

“You know your big brother did this to me?” Why is he wasting time with questions?

“Yeah, I know.”

“I bet you do. I bet you told him to do it.”

“What? No! Look just stop messing around, can’t you just get it over with. I know what you’re here for, so just do it.”

“You’re right; I should be giving you double what was done to me!” He shouted at me pointing to his deformed face.

At that point he screamed in pain. I thought he was making a point or just really angry, but then he doubled over, clutching his stomach. I still wasn’t sure whether he was faking it or not, but I couldn’t just leave him if he was in agony; I rushed over to him and crouched down next to him just in time for him to collapse onto the floor

“Capper? Capper! Are you alright? Speak to me!” He was unconscious lying on the dark filthy floor tiles.

“Argh, what happened?” He said weakly. He sounded like he was dying.

“You just collapsed! You need help, like now. I’m gonna get a teacher.”

“No wait don’t! I’ll just call Charley. Get me my phone from my jacket; it’s on the floor over there. Argh!”

“Look you’re still clearly in pain! Right I’ll call him for you, you can stay there.”

“Him? Charley’s my girlfriend. Just tell her to come here and she can take me somewhere.”Cappers got a girlfriend? I don’t know why that made me feel weird; I guess I just never thought of him going out with anyone.

“Okay fine, I’ll be right back okay, you stay there.”

“Yeah right, like I can move anywhere anyway?”

I went over to where he said his phone was and searched for Charley’s number, strange how I hadn’t remembered the name, Charley’s one of the most popular/bitchy girls in the year. She’s got bleach blonde hair and an orange face, all the ingredients for the ideal school slag. I selected her number and pressed call, it barely rang once before she picked up.

“Hey sweetie, I was beginning to think you’d forgotten me. Then again, I doubt anyone could forget me after what we did last night...” Well crap, she was even a slag over the phone.

“Charley this isn’t Capper, he’s collapsed in the boy’s toilets by the maths block. You need to get here now.”

“Ohmygod. What did you fucking do to my fucking boyfriend! I’m on my way; if you put even one of your slimy little fingers on him I will personally rip it off myself!” And with that lovely thought she hung up.

I put Capper’s mobile back in his jacket and went back over to him to see him attempting to stand up. He was failing badly.

“What did I tell you? Sit on the floor and stay still! Charley’s gonna be here any minute.”

“Ugh fine. Thanks. Don’t think this is over though.” His voice sounded angry, but there was just a little glimpse of light in his eyes which made his words seem almost...friendly. No, must be a trick of the light.

“Oh my poor baby! What did he do to you? He’d better not have caused this!” Oh joy, Charley’s here. Note the sarcasm.

“Hey gorgeous, it’s alright he’s just been helping me, but that’s not important; just take me somewhere other than here.” Gorgeous? Maybe to an Oompa Loompa...

“Okay, I’ll get you out of this hell hole pumpkin.” Pumpkin- you've got to be kidding me. Someone please pass me a bucket.

And with that she left along with Capper with his arm around her shoulders trying to support himself.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey this is my first time writing for this story! :D I hope you find it as good as a7x.Sick.Puppie.x and Moosey's chapters, and please keep on commenting and subscribing! :) And also Moosey is now on holiday as you probably know so there's going to be a very long gap soon. :)

Also you may want to read my own story:
Thankyou. :D x