Status: Will update whenever I can.

Triple Silence


Time was speeding up. He didn’t have much longer to himself. My plan was set in stone, I had to use it soon, or else it will be too late. I had to get on with it, before all was revealed.
He was approaching me now. Victim number one. I shouldn’t say victim, it sounds like I’m going to kill him. I’m not. Well, not myself anyway. No, it should be player number one.

Meet Hunter.

He’s your typical shy, quiet guy. A sweet kid. Smart, like, top-of-the-class smart. He was small, only coming to my shoulder in height, yet he was the same age. Anyone who met him would say a stranger named him, as his name really doesn’t match his personality-Hunter, aha! More like Hider-not that anyone really knows his personality, mind. He doesn’t talk, and I mean that literally. He doesn’t talk ever! That’s going to change though. Soon. I’ll make sure of it.

I sheltered back into the alleyway I was standing in, to let Hunter pass without seeing me. He had his puffy green parka on over his t-shirt and worn blue jeans. His old white trainers looked like they’d been scrubbed clean, which, knowing him, they probably had been. He had one earphone in, the other dangled round his neck, and he pushed his thick black glasses to the top of his nose. As he hummed along with his music, I sighed. If only he had any idea of the horrors he was about to face, because that’s what’s going to happen. He’s going to be faced eye-to-eye with danger.

Suddenly, he paused, and turned to look at the alley, or, more conveniently, at me. Ahh, perfect. It’s play time for you, kid.
Let the games begin.

I turned round and started walking the opposite way, down the alley. I didn’t turn to see if he was following. I knew he was. When I reached the end of the alley, I turned right down the quiet side street that was my familiar shortcut to school. A shortcut which, soon, Hunter would be using.

The crunch of footsteps on leaves, that were not my own, informed me that he wasn’t far behind from where I walked. I quickened my pace, a smile playing on my lips, until I felt the wind push my hair behind me.

We were almost there now, just one more turn, and I was through the gates, and in the now deserted playground. We were late. Perfect. No witnesses. I stopped, and turned around.

He was there. Of course he was there. He was just... Standing... There. Right in front of me. Like a loyal dog following its owner. Except he wasn’t a dog. He was just... Him.

I took a deep breath, and then exhaled. “Are you following me, Adams?”

He blinked, and shuffled his feet.

“Yes, Hunter, I am talking to you. Who else? Well?” I narrowed my eyes.

“N-no. I wasn’t following you, I swear.” Lie

I laughed. “You look as frightened as a Horse. Are you frightened, Kid?”

He nodded his head quickly, his breathing becoming faster.

“You need to toughen up, babe. You won’t get anywhere in life if you don’t.”

I know it seemed like it was being nice, but that was only because I was acting like I was nice. It was all a part of the plan.

“I tell you what kid, I’ll help you.”

“H-how?” he stammered

I smiled. “Oh, easy. I’ll teach you how to be confident. How to be like me.”

“O-okay, then.”

“On one condition only. You have to promise to do everything I tell you to.”

He nodded. “I promise.”

I smiled. “Great. And you could start with organising my locker. I don’t want to be late to class now, do I? I’ll see you period three, Adams.”

I walked away, into the school building and towards room 37, leaving Hunter Adams behind me.

‘Now this should be fun’ I thought. ‘The most fun of all my games yet’.
♠ ♠ ♠
YAY! first chapter up. i think this storys gonna go better than my others. its a different style to what I usually do.
i was told this sounds kinda like Saw, but i've never even seen it, so i wouldn't know.
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