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Five Years From Now, I See Myself


Okay, I know growing up, everyone asked what you wanted to do when you got older. And you probably wanted to be something along the lines off; Princess, Prince, Policeman, Dancer, Pop Star, Fire Fighter, Singer, Mommy, Athlete. Or something along that line.

As were get older more people ask us that same question. What do you want to do when you get older?

That question seems to haunt each and everyone of us. Some of us knew what we want to do. And, other’s are still undecided.

So, I’m not here to ask you what do you want to be when you get older.

I’m here to ask you what do you see your self in five years?

List your age and reason why, please.

*** If you see anything wrong with this, could you please tell: unique33? You’d save us time and a lot of heart ache!
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