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Five Years From Now, I See Myself



Age: 14

Okay, I’ll be honest.

When I was in Kindergarten, my teacher asked me what I wanted to be when I got older. And, I told her I was gonna be the first girl president. My teacher told me that I wasn’t gonna do it, she said, I was to slow (Because I had to have one on one’s with a reading specialist, because my reading was coming along to slow.) Now, I read at a Adult’s Reading Level! Take that Kindergarten Teacher.

I remember a conversation I had with my Fourth Grade Teacher, when she asked me what I wanted to be when I got older. I told her I wanted to help people, because it made me feel good. I told her it was the best feeling in the whole world. I told her I didn’t want to be a doctor, because blood freaks me out and I cry if I get a paper cut. She then asked another student what they wanted to be when we got older.

Looking back at those memoirs makes me smile. Don’t worry, hopefully I’ll be the first, African American Female President and I’ll go back and laugh in my Kindergarten teacher’s face.

I also, remember what my Social Studies Teacher said to. We’ll call her Miss. Lame.

Miss. Lame wanted to know what we wanted to be when we got older, and she asked me to go first.

I said that I wanted to a be a psychiatrist because I wanna help people.

Ms. Lame looked at me and said really, like she didn’t believe me.

So I told her yes I am going to be one.

Then she asked me did I have a lot of friends and I told her yes.

Then she asked me did I give them good advice and I told her I told.

“A psychiatrist?” She asked me.

“Yes.” I told her.

“If that’s what you wanna do.” She told me, she looked like she wanted to burst out laughing.

That day will be a day I will never forget. I went home and cried, and the next day, I told her off and made her cry.

Since then, when people ask me that question, I think back to all my memories, where I was asked the same question. I smile and say, “I just want to be happy and having the time of my life.”

So, in five years, I see my self as being a beautiful young woman, whose going to school to become a psychiatrist, because I know it will make me very happy.
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So, that was my story. I just want to be happy.
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