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Five Years From Now, I See Myself


hey I'm Page and I am Fourteen,

when I was little my mum asked me what I want to be when I grow up and I said a HOrse riding Instructor. Mum said that I would do it, shore shore not any more.

then when I was in about year six I think, my mum asked me again, and I simply said an Author I wanted to have a best seller by the time I was twenty five. I also wanted to work on movies.

to be completely Honest right now I have no Idea what I want to be, but I have another four long years of school left, before I can kick start the rest of my life, but then again I could always have a best seller by the times I'm eighteen and already have a carer and bucket loads of money before I even leave school.

so five years from now I want to of decided what I want to do and hopefully I will be pursuing that dream, even if it means going to uni blarg it will be like going back to school :( but what ever I do I just want to be happy and have a good time, cos your only young once.
