Anything for My Baby


I smiled widely once Bruce noticed me. He smiled as wide as me, I'm sure. Things were going great...maybe I'd have a chance with Bruce. He took my hand gently and kissed it. Oh wow, how romantic.

Just then the pretty girl he was talking to returned and tried to get his attention. But he shook his head to her and she left, pouting.

"Wow, what a parasite." Bruce said with a sigh.
I smiled at him and he looked back to me. He was smiling so much, I swear, his face would break from smiling so much.

"I love your costume. You look beautiful." He whispered in my ear.
"Thank you, Bruce." I said softly and blushed.
"Say, didn't you arrive with Ms.Monroe?" He joked and I nodded.
"Well, let's just say Ms.Monroe is getting lucky with a certain Fox right now."

That night, Bruce and I talked and talked til about 4 am. He was the most amazing guy ever. And he was funny, sweet, gorgeous, amazing, sexy, nice...did I mention amazing? I swear, I was falling in love with him.

Then, the damn parasite chick came back and was leaning towards Bruce. You could see down her top from a mile away. Gosh, she's such a slut! She's a parasite lady! Haha.

"Can you just leave me alone with my girlfriend?" Bruce said and she seemed defeated. So she left and he smiled at me.


"Sorry, I had to say something." He apologized and I shook my head.
"It's alright..." I said and realized that we were leaning in. Soon, his lips were placed upon mine and I felt such euphoria. He drove me insane.

"How about we follow suit of the Fox and Bacon, and we get ourselves a room?" He suggested with a cute grin.
I could only nod.

That night, Bruce and I made love...and it was hot, steamy and passionate!
♠ ♠ ♠
-wiggles eyebrows- I'd write more to the scene, but...nahhh. Not right yet.

Dedicated to GoddessOfThunder, who is like the best person ever! Oh, and she's Bruce's and Bruce's is hers. SO BACK OFF! D: < :)