Anything for My Baby

Tomorrow And Tonight.

Soon, we were on the route to Detroit. The guys were in the car behind us and us girls were blasting music and having a good time. Road trips are fun. Soon, we found ourselves in a very remote, forest place. It was creepy. So, we turned a bit and soon, we found some civilization. An old convenience store. We all stopped, since we've been driving for quite some time and decided to get some rations.

"Ughh! Julie, you're driving on the way back." I complained and stretched. This caused my low top to raise a bit and my stomach was partially visible. The guys wolf-whistled and I flipped them off.
"Let's just go get the stuff we need." Julie Anne said, trying to calm everyone down.

So about twenty minutes later, we got so much stuff. I'm talking nachos, ice cream, cookie dough, cookies, brownies, beer, marshmallows, hot dogs, and etc.

"Okay, so let's go. It's going to be night in like...6 hours and I do not want to drive in the dark." I said and got into the car. This time Julie Anne went with Bruce and I sadly drove alone...:(

We arrived at the cabin about twenty minutes later. There were no other ones in sight and the place was just creepy. The trees were tall and it was all dark. Nevertheless, our cellphones still had signal.

We unpacked everything and soon I decided to go take a nap. I was tired from all that driving. My room, had a nice view of the lake that was nearby and was quite big. There was a vanity table, a queen sized bed, night stand, a dresser and a little TV. Eric walked in with his bag slung over his shoulder.

"Hi beautiful." He whispered in my ear.
"Hi Eric...I'm gonna take a nap...wanna help?" I asked and kissed him.
"I'm not sure what you mean by 'nap'." He joked.

I pulled him onto the bed and we began to make out furiously.