Anything for My Baby

Then She Kissed Me.

Party time!

Julie Anne was in the shower and I was getting dressed in the spare bedroom we had. That was the room where we usually get ready for parties and stuff. The place was littered in clothing, the vanity table was filled with beauty products and there was one bed.

I loved this place, it was so nice and amazing. We usually just sit in here some nights, and listen to music. And talked.

When she got out of the shower, we just got dressed, talked, put make up on and stuff.
We looked really good.

"I seriously can't wait! What time is Nikki Fuckin' Sixx picking us up in his super stretch limo?" I asked.
"Like in five minutes!!!" She shouted and we danced around.
"I can't believe this!! This is going to be the best day of my life! I'm gonna meet Eric Carr!" I yelled and then we heard a car horn honk outside.

We rushed out, grabbing our jackets on our way out and getting into the car. I sat next to Laurie, who was sitting next to Nikki, and Julie sat next to me.

When we got to the party, we were greeted by the other members of Motley Crue.
"Hey Nikki, Laurie...who're they?" Tommy Lee asked, looking at Julie and I slyly.
"Julie Anne and Bacon." Nikki introduced.
"...Mmmm Bacon...Is she Canadian? 'Cause Canadian bacon is my favorite..." Tommy said, winking at me.
I giggled and blushed.
"Are ya?" Nikki asked.
I nodded.
"Well, come along then." Tommy said, wrapping his arm around me and leading me away.

Tommy and I got to know each other, he was a real cool person. Very hyper and stuff.
"Soo, wanna meet KISS? Your friend Julie seems like she's getting well acquainted with Bruce Kulick over there." Tommy said, pointing to a giggling and blushing Julie and a smirking Bruce.

So, we walked over to KISS and I swear, the whole band looked at me with hearts in their eyes. I giggled and smiled.
"Guys, this is Canadian bacon, Bacon." Tommy introduced.
"Hey! That's a wicked name!" Eric said and I smiled at him.
"I'm sure you know the guys, so...y'know, I'm just gonna go get wasted! See ya!" Tommy said and left me there.

I felt kinda uneasy, but as the night dragged on, I got to know everyone better. Eric and I really clicked.

We were sitting near the pool of this house, which I was guessing was Vince's house, and we just spoke of all kinds of things. I was happy that him and I got along so well.

It was almost time to go, so I figured I'd go get Julie Anne and get my jacket and go.
"Will I see you again?" Eric asked, getting closer to me.
"I sure hope so..." I giggled and I kissed him passionately. He kissed back.
I almost melted, and my heart got quicker.

When we left, I couldn't help but keep thinking about Eric Carr...