Anything for My Baby

Never Enough.

When I woke up, I shivered slightly. Woah, was it cold or what? I mean, that generally doesn't happen in LA, but it's cold now. I rolled over and grabbed a bunch of blankets and cuddled with them.

"Cold?" I heard Julie Anne ask.
"Ughhh...yeah." I whined.
"It's raining out, and it's pretty damn cold." She said and opened the blinds to the mini window I had.
"Woahhh..." I said as I looked at the stormy mess outside.

Today was a bit slower and I had to get back to work. I really didn't want to, but working as a nurse has its advantages. Like I get a good pay, not all of the doctors are jerks and dumbasses, and I got to work with little kids who were so adorable.

Except, there was one today, who I'd beat to a bloody pulp! AND HIS MOTHER TOO! I had the longest shift ever, thank god when I got home I was still pumped to go to the sound check.

Anyways, this woman came in with her son, and this chick looked like she was on something. She told me her son kept throwing up and he wasn't walking straight. So I took her son in the room where we check them up, while she could do the paperwork. She called me irresponsible because I couldn't have someone else do the paperwork...It's her damn son, for KISS sake! So I calmly took both of them in the room, had her do the paperwork at the same time, and we finally figured out what was wrong.

Her son had found his way into her vodka. Boy, was he a lot to handle. He would knock stuff down, run away from us and say nasty comments.

I finally arrived home around 6 pm, and just collapsed on the couch.
"I'm making us a quick supper then Gene's gonna be here to pick us up." Julie Anne said, gleefully.
I made an inaudible grunt and she rushed into the room.
"Was it that bad?" She asked.
"There was a drunk 7 year old...HE WAS DRUNK!!!!!!" I yelled and threw my hands up in the air and waved them around.
"Awhhh cheer up! You'll get to see your Eric go shower and get ready. Supper will be ready real soon."

I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, etc. Then I walked into my bedroom. I picked a pair of leather pants, a black KISS tank top and my leather jacket. I looked all around to find my classic black Converse, but they were nowhere to be found.

"Hey! Have ya seen my Converse?" I yelled.
"Check in the spare bedroom."

I rushed there and finally found them. We ate supper in silent excitement and finally, when we finished washing the last plate, we heard the doorbell. When I opened the door, I was shocked to see not Gene, but...