Anything for My Baby

Great Expectations.

When I opened the door, I was shocked to see not Gene, but...

Bruce Kulick!

"Hey Bruce!" I said and let him in.
"Hey Bacon, you ladies ready?" He asked, winking at Julie. She blushed and smiled.
"Yeahhh, I'm ready!" I said and we all piled into the limo. Why a limo? Jeez, if I was a rockstar, I'd have the coolest car out there!

We arrived at this hotel, which made me wonder. "What's going on?" I asked.
"We forgot to tell you, the sound check is for some Halloween party we're doing. You girls are invited." Eric explained, wrapping his arm around my waist as we got out of the car.
I giggled and nodded.
"It's a costume party, just saying." Paul said and flashed me a smile. I blushed.

So, the sound check went well, the guys are hilarious. I loved spending time with Eric. That's what I did pretty much the whole time, just hang out near the drums with Eric. Julie Anne was with Bruce, and he was teaching her some things on guitar for a while. Gene picked up his bass, and another one. He passed it to me.

"Show us what you've got!" He said and sat down next to me.
I thought of a song to play, then decided on Sheep by Pink Floyd. Gene followed me, but soon was lost.
"I can't play that! I haven't really played freely in a while." He confessed.
"Oh yeah? I've been playing cover songs for the longest time." I said and smiled.
"Do you guys have any original songs?" Paul asked.
"Yeah, we're working on an album. Nikki Sixx will be producing it." I said and smiled.
"Nikki Sixx? Sounds alright to me...if you guys need any tips, just ask!" Eric said and sat down beside me.

The night was amazing, these guys are the best people to hang out with. When we were about to leave, Gene passed me a business card.
"We're expecting greatness from you guys." He whispered.
I wondered what he meant by that, and just shrugged it off.

Great Expectations? Haha, perhaps...