Anything for My Baby

Talk To Me.

"Dude, when's the last time you went to a costume party?" Julie Anne asked.
"Ehhh, when I was in high school, I think...probably a quadrillion years ago!" I shouted and looked around the closet for something.
"Honey, you weren't born a quadrillion years ago." She pointed out, which made me laugh.
"Let's just go god damn shopping! This closet will bring us nothing but more KISS merchandise." I said with a sigh, plopping on the bed.
"True, true...let's go...soon." She said, laying down beside me.

"Ya know, Bruce likes ya a lot!" I said, giggling.
"Nahhh. Now if anyone likes someone, it's Eric liking you. He's so in love with you." She argued.
"How about, Eric likes me and Bruce likes you? Sound good?" I asked, not liking when we argued too much.
"Sounds good, now let's hit the mall!" She shouted.

So after hours of trying to find a good costume, which was pretty hard since most of the costumes were gone, we found this shop where all they sold were costumes.

Julie Anne decided on Alice in Wonderland, and she looked really good! Bruce was going to flip. I decided to be Marilyn Monroe. We paid for everything then decided to go have lunch, I was starved.

"You know, you eat like a guy." Julie said, pointing to my second Big Mac.
"And? I'm starving and if I want to eat like a guy, I will." I said, mock pouting, lettuce dropping from the burger.
"You are disgusting!" She laughed and ate a fry.
"You just don't understand my ways..."
"I'm sure I do, trust me..."

So, Gene came to pick us up, alone without the guys. That made me sorta nervous. And I'm sure it made Julie nervous too. Gene couldn't stop staring at both of us, which made me uncomfortable, but y'know, he's GENE FRIKKIN' SIMMONS!!!!

We got to the party and the guys were ready to go on stage and play, so we decided to go to the head of the crowd and watch. The odd thing was, the guys had on their KISS costumes, and since Bruce didn't have a specific make up, his was the coolest. I had never seen such an amazing idea, but you know, I can't exactly explain it to you. It was kinda a combination of The Demon's and Space Ace's make up.

Julie Anne was sure enjoying it...

So when the guys were finished with their set, they came down and joined us. And might I say, Eric looks sexy as hell with his make up. When he saw me, he smiled.
"You look amazing." He whispered in my ear.
"I could say the same about you, Fox." I teased. He smiled and we went to another room where things could be more private.

Julie Anne's P.O.V
I saw Marie and Eric walk into a room together. Damn, someone's getting laid tonight! I looked at Bruce, who was talking to some very pretty girl. I wish he'd come talk to me...