Hogwarts: A Story of Trial and Hardships

9 : Hidden Anger

Ara saw him glaring at Draco and she was confused, but she was so overjoyed at having Draco back that she just brushed it off and ignored it promising herself that she would ask him about it later. Just then a thought hit Ara and she stopped walking.
“What is it?” Both Draco and Aiden asked at the same time concerned with the look of shock on Ara’s face.
“I just realized…I missed Quidditch tryouts…this is AWFUL!” She screamed as she looked at both the boys not appreciating their lack of reaction.
“Don’t worry about it, I’m sure the entire team will still let you tryout considering the circumstances…plus it’s not like we’ve had any real practices or anything, just a few drills you will be fine.” Draco calmed her down as they started walking again.
“What?! You are going to go out there and fly again? Even after what happened?” Aiden asked shocked.
“Yea, haven’t you heard that expression about falling and getting back up or whatever…” Ara said trying to appear confident but slightly shaken at the thought of the accident.
“Don’t worry I’ll be there to watch out for you.” Draco said comfortingly as he smirked at her.
“Weren’t you the one who ran her into a pole in the first place?” Aiden asked bitterly.
“Hey…what are you playing at?” Draco screamed at him angrily knowing on some level that he was right.
“I’m just saying that you couldn’t protect her then what makes this any different?” Aiden retorted.
“Both of you stop it…what is up with you guys today? I’m trying out for the Quidditch team and I can take care of my self life lesson learned. End of discussion.” Ara told them both sternly. She turned to look at Aiden who was fuming and glaring at Draco again, and Draco who was staring daggers right back. By now they had managed to make it to the Great Hall. “Hey Draco, why don’t you go ahead in…I need to talk to Aiden for a second.” Ara told him giving him a hug goodbye as he reluctantly headed into the Hall.
“What is wrong with you?” Ara asked as soon as Draco was out of hearing range.
“What do you mean?” Aiden asked trying to seem innocent…he couldn’t believe he’d slipped up this badly.
“Why are you being so mean? You’ve done nothing but glare at Draco all day today! You were the one who helped me get back together with him in the first place.” Ara pointed out as they sat on a bench in a more secluded hallway.
“I…I…I guess I’m just tired…sorry.” Aiden told her, lying.
“Well you need to stop it. We just started being really good friends and Draco and I just got back together and already I’ve had to break you two up from a fight…now that’s just ridiculous.”
“Sorry, it won’t happen again. You know I think I’ll go back to the common room to catch a little more sleep before Draco and I have transfiguration together instead of breakfast.” Aiden said just so he wouldn’t have to see Ara and Draco together.
“Are you sure being hungry won’t make you grumpy too?” Ara said smiling and looking for him to smile as well, he obliged.
“No, I think I’ll be fine. See you in Potions later.” Aiden said standing and hugging her goodbye as well. He then turned and started to walk back to the common room.
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Here's the newest of new...wrote it like three seconds ago...obviously having trouble sleeping lol....please rate comment subscribe or message...you know any of that good stuff....sorry if this one is short I was losing focus from lack of sleep