In the Arms of Forever

Chapter 12

All of a sudden you heard a yelp of pain. You tensed up and looked around to see what had happened, and there was Pippin clutching his right hand with his left and hopping up and down. You relaxed a little realizing there was no danger. “What happened Pip’?” Merry asked smiling.
“I burned me hand on the bloody pan. Practically singed me whole finger off!” He exclaimed exaggerating. Sam tried not to laugh as he grabbed a rag to pick up the pan with to pack it up. “Don’t laugh Sam it really hurts…hey Idril, you don’t think you could…you know…” Pippin asked hesitantly. You really didn’t feel up to it considering you had one of the heaviest packs and you were already exhausted, but you looked over and saw Legolas smiling at you and shaking his head at the small hobbit, you just had to.
“Alright fine, bring it here…but just this once, next time you do something silly I’ll just leave you in pain.” You said with mock sternness. He cheered and skipped over to you and showed you his singed finger.
“This is actually burned relatively badly.” You noticed looking at his index finger, it had already started blistering and a large chunk of skin was apparently missing.
“I said it hurt like bloody h…a lot” He corrected himself knowing you didn’t approve of cursing.
“Well thank you for catching yourself…and you are luck I’m here” you stated matter-of-factly. You began to rub your hands together slowly until they started getting warm. When they were really warm you put them on Pippin’s finger and closed your eyes counting back from ten.
“Ouch that’s hot…I thought this was supposed to help me burn, not burn me more.” Pippin whined
“Shut up Pip’ Ms. Idril is trying to concentrate and fix your stupid hand.” Merry scolded him like an older brother.
When you had finally reached one you pulled your still red hands away and looked at his now healed finger. “There you go you whiner.” You exclaimed as he skipped away with his fully functional finger. You were so tired you could barely smile. When you felt a hand on your shoulder, you looked to see Legolas just smiling and nodding at you with approval. You melted, you of course were still tired but you definitely had no problems smiling now, even though you tried to hide it.
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Sorry this one is really short but it is 5AM so go easy on me, and I really wanted to put something new on here to commemorate my recent revival on rate and message and comment and subscribe to get some longer new ones...