Empty Endings


Last Time...

“You always thought I was a man, did you not?” She asked, and he nodded. “Well you thought wrong. Now that you know who I am I think I deserve to know your names, and ages would be helpful.” The Silent Raven instructed looking at the motley crew of about seven children. “Let us start with you Brave One.”
“My name? I’m Dante, and I’m nine.” He spoke firmly his brown eyes unwavering but his bottom lip gave away his continuing fear. The Silent Raven nodded and looked to the girl next to him.
“I’m uh…I’m Sara, I’m six.” Unlike Dante this tiny blonde girl did not even try to hide her tears and her fear. The Silent Raven just smiled comfortingly at her.
“I’m Philip and this is my sister Tabitha, I’m seven and she’s three.” The tan boy spoke shyly as he protectively took his sister’s grubby hand.
“I’m almost four!” Tabitha interrupted defensively. She looked at the Silent Raven and smiled.
“Of course you are.” She said in return.
“I’m Clade, I’m eight.” A boy with curly red hair spoke quickly and then shrunk back in the group sneakily. The Silent Raven smirked and looked to the last two older girls. They were obviously twins. Both had long curly brown hair and strange gray eyes.
“And what’s your name?” The Silent Raven asked nodding to the first of the two girls.
“She doesn’t speak!” Her sister spoke angrily. “I’m Shayne and that’s Kylee. We’re both ten. But what do you care? We don’t know your real name, or how old you are? We don’t even really know who you actually are!” Shayne spat stepping in front of her sister. Kylee’s eyes widened with her sister’s rage and she reached out to touch Shayne’s shoulder and pull her back.
“I understand you are angry, but you shouldn’t be angry with me. I didn’t destroy your city or kill your family’s. I am here to help you, but if you would rather stay here, you may.” The Silent Raven spoke calmly as she turned and began to walk away.
“Where…Where are we going?” Sara called after her, frightened.
“Away.” Was all the Silent Raven said as she stretched out her hand for one of the children to take. They all hesitated for a moment, then Tabitha skipped forward and grabbed her hand happily. She was followed quickly by Philip and Dante, and hesitantly by Sara and Clade. The group began to walk away slowly. Kylee looked at her sister Shayne who stood firm with her arms folded. Kylee looked at her with sad eyes and began to follow the Silent Raven.
“Kylee!? Where are you going?” Shayne called after her distraught. Kylee turned and motioned for her to follow; she then turned back around and began to walk again. Shayne waited a few more moments looking around at the ruins surrounding her and then quickly ran to catch up with her sister.
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Thanks for reading. If you have any ideas or suggestions as to what should happen I'm totally open minded I really do honestly plan on updating more.